Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 19

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~Chapter 19~

Taylor wandered back into her living room to see Ed leant over another one of her guitars staring at the floor.

"I brought the song," She said and Ed instantly looked up at her.

After a while, Ed replied with, "Right. Yeah. Ok."

Taylor nodded and sat down next to him, putting a clear distance between them to avoid awkwardness. "So, erm I can't remember if I told you about this but I added-"

"Wait, no, Taylor I-" Ed began, looking over at her.

"What?" Taylor looked back at him, staring into his eyes.

"Nothing," Sighed Ed, looking down. Taylor looked away from him and rolled her eyes. Was he ever going to let his guards down?

"Right." Taylor swallowed and then continued. "So, so far in the song we've got a first verse like an intro to the chorus, a chorus and then I've added something that could be a change after the chorus after the second verse? If that made sense..." Taylor looked over at Ed who looked blank.

"I'll just play it," Taylor said, picking up her guitar again. Strumming the first set of chords, Taylor looked down at the lyric sheet.

All I knew, this morning when I woke,

Is I know something now,

Know something now,

I didn't before,

And all I've seen since 18 hours ago,

Is green eyes, and freckles and your smile,

In the back of my mind making me feel like,

I just wanna know you better,

Know you better,

Know you better now,

I just wanna know you better,

Know you better,

Know you better now,

Taylor became aware of another guitar and a male voice with a British accent singing. Looking over at Ed she realised he was staring right at her.

I just wanna know you better,

Know you better,

Know you better now,

I just wanna know you,

Know you, know you.

Ed stopped singing at the chorus which he probably didn't know to well and instead watched her with curiosity.

All I know is you said hello,

And your eyes look like coming home,

All I know is a simple name,

And everything has changed,

All I know is you held the door,

You'll be mine and I'll be yours,

All I know since yesterday,

Is everything has changed.

"And that's as far as we got," Taylor said, slamming her hand over her guitar strings to stop the sound abruptly. "But I did add like a change?"

Ed looked away and down at the guitar next to him, the one he'd been playing earlier.

"How about for the next bit, the second verse, I sing...erm..." Ed looked across at the lyric bit and grabbed the pen, writing quickly.

He then dropped the pen and picked up the guitar.

"How about...

All my walls stood tall painted blue,

But I'll take them down, take them down,

And open up the door for you,"

"That's awesome!" Taylor halfheartedly said. It was true, the lyrics were awesome but it was a shame they weren't true. Ed wasn't letting his walls down. He was still being secretive and shy.

"Erm...then...I don't know," Replied Ed, with a look on his face that made Taylor think he did know.

"Just...I don't know, speak from the heart!" Ed looked up at her looking bemused. "I know that sounds cheesey, but...I think this song would be better if we...if we..." Taylor mumbled and sighed.

'Come on, be fearless!' A voice she'd been trying to ignore spoke up as loud as a car speeding down a highway.

Taking a deep breath, Taylor continued. "If we...let our guards down. And stop thinking were gonna get hurt. And just jump and say how were feeling and how we want to feel and...everything!"

Ed looked up at her in shock. "What do you-"

"You know what I mean," Taylor interrupted quickly. "Oh and by the way, the line you wrote about letting your walls down is pretty ironic seen as though you can't look at me for more than three seconds."

Ed raised his eyebrows and looked down, slowly going red.

Taylor couldn't help but feel pretty pleased with herself. "Anymore tea?"


"Anymore tea?" Taylor's voice spoke with an edge of humour.

Without waiting for me to reply, Taylor stood up and walked into her kitchen. As soon as she had gone, I let out a huge sigh and leaned back against the back of her sofa.

She was right, I needed to let my guards down if I wanted this to work. And she was right, the lyric I'd came up with was ironic. It was a lyric I wanted to believe I would mean one day.

"You're only going to mean that lyric if you let Taylor in!" The angel reminded me.

I sighed again. I wanted to let Taylor in, of course I did. She's a perfectly trustworthy person who deserves to be treated with the upmost care.

It's just...I know what it's like to hurt so bad you feel you can't get up and love again. And I know what's it's like to be let down. And I know what's it's like to know I've let someone down.

And I don't want to be hurt again. And I don't want to be let down again. And I don't want to let anyone down again. Especially not Taylor.

"So just go for it! It's obvious Taylor really likes you, she's not going to hurt you!" The angel spoke again, still using Taylor's voice.

I sighed again and looked down at the piece of paper which held the lyrics to Everything Has Changed. Only, nothing had changed really. I was still being protective and not letting Taylor in, as I usually was with girls. It was the usual, nothing different.

And then I thought about what Taylor had said to me. "Stop thinking were gonna get hurt. And just jump and say how were feeling and how we want to feel and...everything!"

I knew what she meant. I just couldn't do it. Could I? Taylor walked back in with a tray which held a pot of tea, two cups and a plate of biscuits.

She looked at me as she put the tray on the table in front of us.

"Had anymore thoughts?"

And thats when I decided to take her advice.

And that's when I jumped.



Sorry I left this at a cliff hanger.

But the next updates gonna be this week some time so you know:)

Thanks for reading!

I love you all <13



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