Chapter 3

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this was pain to do since i put it on a doc and had to get rid of some stuff and when i messed up it would take forever to load and when i started it on there it was like 58 pages. IM SHOUTIN MAYDAY (i was listening to it while doing most of this [half of it actually. the rest i spent listening to bts]) have fun reading this obnoxiously long chapter

"Not at all. I've never even been to a concert. I'm broke and I hate to ask my parents for stuff. I'm surprised you guys didn't notice earlier especially Jin. I saw you smiling since I was singing awake" she said
Jin smiled at her. "Well, I never really get acknowledged for my few lines in every songs. And with you singing my song, it meant a lot to me."
"I wish you and Tae got more lines though. Every army does. You have the best voices. No offense" she said smiling

TaeHyung smiled. "Most ARMIEs like my voice because it's lower than others." "Yeah. They don't get very many lines." Hoseok said. "But they are two of the best dancers."
"Yeah. They are" she said "I'm surprised you guys aren't asking who my bias is. Also like half of you look so cute and cuddly but your voices are the complete opposite"
"That's the best thing. We look cute at first then Boom! Completely changed." TaeHyung said. "Now that you mention it. Who is your bias?" Hoseok asked.
"It's either Tae, Chim Chim, Pink princess, jungs hook, or the grandpa." She said giggling at the names
"Ohh. Y'all two got left out." Jimin said as he poked Namjoon and Hoseok. "But. She didn't pick one person. So. Y'all have about 20% chance of being her ultimate bias." Hoseok said.
She laughed "it's so hard to choose since I love all of you. You're all beans. Although Namjoon can't pull up his pants" she said referring to this picture. He laughed
"That is kinda true. I've had to tell him to pull them up sometimes." Jin said and tried not to laugh.
She laughed. "If only your were my mom Jin. You would be an amazing wife" she said joking
Jin laughed. "Well, I take care of the other members as if I was their mom. Since I do most of their responsibilities." He looked at all of them. She laughed. The three boys laughed a bit. "I'm really happy I met you guys. I've wanted to since I became an ARMY" she said grinning like an idiot
"And we're glad we met you. You are really nice and kind." Jimin said to her. The others smiled.
She blushed a bit but still looked happy. "Also were like the only ones at this school that speaks Korean"
"We are the only ones who speak Korean." Jimin said and smiled.
"Exactly. Koreans need to stick together" she said laughing
They laughed as TaeHyung checked his phone. "We should get going soon. It's 8:54."
"Yeah. It's really late. We should get some dinner too"
Jin nodded. "I'm definitely down for that." He chuckled.
everyone agreed "should Jinn make something or should we eat out" Namjoon asked
raised his hand. "I'll cook." TaeHyung nodded. "Yeah, plus, Haeun gets to try out his cooking."
She clapped a bit "I'm excited"
Jin smiled. "Alright. Let's get going before we get too tired." Hoseok said as he grabbed his stuff.
They got their stuff
The four of them walked out and went back to their dorm.
She walked with them since she wasn't really assigned a dorm so she just decided to be in the same dorm as them since why not
Jin unlocked the door and held it open for them. The others walked and sets their stuff by the couch.
"Where should I put my stuff" Haeun asked
"You can set it next to our stuff. We never move our bags anyways." Jin said.
"Ok" she said putting her stuff on the couch then sitting on the floor
"Don't sit on the floor." Jimin moved some of their stuff out of the way. "Sit on the couch. This floor is dirty."
"O-ok" she said sitting on the couch and going on her phone "Uh do you guys mind if I take a picture with or if you. I wanna show one of my friends who's also an army"
"Sure" Kookie said Namjoon nodded and Suga gave a thumbs up
The four of them nodded and went over to her. "Let's take a photo together." Hoseok Said.
She smiled and got her phone ready and took a selfie with them "my friends gonna be so jealous of me rn. She's in Korea tho"
TaeHyung chuckled slightly and held up a peace sign. The rest of them held up heart signs.
She smiled and did peace signs with v since she couldn't do a heart and the three did hearts with their fingers
They smiled and waited for her to take the picture.
She took the picture and smiled
TaeHyung looked over her shoulder. "Can I see it?" He asked. The others sat down while Jin went to go and cook.
"Sure" she showed him the picture
He looked at the picture and smiled. "It looks good." He smiled at her. Jimin walked into the kitchen to help Jin cook.
She smiled too "I love your box smile but it always looks like you're in pain"
"I got this smile from my dad. And Trust me. If I was in pain, you could tell." He chuckled and sat down.
She laughed a bit
"The other members usually say that I'm the most visual. I show my emotions more than others." He smiled slightly.
"And yet you make the funniest faces most of the time in pictures"
He nodded and laughed slightly. "Yep. A lot of people have told me that." He said.
She laughed a bit too.
Jin stepped in. "Dinners ready you guys." He said and walked back to the kitchen.
"Ok" she said going to the table and Namjoon, Yoongi and Kookie were in their spots
The others sat down as Jin sets the bowl in the middle of the table. "Since Jimin really wanted this, I made Beef Stir Fry." Jin said and sat down.
She smiled at Jin
TaeHyung pulled up a chair for Haeun and sat down. Jin made their plates.
Haeun smiled and sat down there
Once Jin finished setting their plates, the four of them started eating.
The other four started eating too "this is really good Jin" Haeun said with food still in her mouth. Namjoon and Kookie laughed and Yoongi seemed proud of her a bit
Jin smiled at her enjoying his cooking. TaeHyung and Jimin laughed. "Jin's cooking is always the best." Hoseok said with a smile.
"So far. I can agree" she said swallowing her food
Once they finished eating, Jin took up their plates and went to go and wash them.
Haeun was a bit tired but didn't wanna sleep yet
TaeHyung got up. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go and take a shower." He said and walked to his room to grab a change of clothes.
She nodded and went on her phone
He got into the shower. Hoseok and Jimin got up. "I'm taking one after him." Jimin said. "No. You took yours first yesterday. It's my turn."
Haeun laughed a bit
"Y'all two stop arguing. Hoseok goes first tonight. Then Jimin." Jin called from the kitchen. Soon, TaeHyung walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair.
Haeun was texting her dad about this
"So Haeun, do you have a dorm or anywhere to stay at?" Jin asked. Hoseok went to take a shower.
"Only my dads but he said I can stay here for the night. He knows I'm a big fan since I bug him about getting merch and stuff like that" she said blushing a bit
Jin chuckled slightly. "Well. All of us have to share a room except TaeHyung. So you can sleep in his room tonight."
"What about me?" TaeHyung said as he walked in.
"He said that I can sleep in your room tonight since you don't have a shared room"
"Okay. That's fine with me." TaeHyung said. Hoseok walked out of the bathroom and sat down.
She smiled and went back on her phone
"Anyways. I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed. I'll leave the door open for you." TaeHyung said and walked to his room. "Just to warn you. His room is quite messy. He never has any friends over, so he doesn't really clean it." Jin said.
"Ok" she said realizing she doesn't have anything to sleep in
TaeHyung plugged his phone up before cleaning his room up a bit. He didn't want her seeing him as a slob.
She sighed a bit because she didn't wanna sleep in her school clothes
Hoseok looked over at her. "Everything okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I just don't have anything I can wear to sleep since I don't really want to sleep in my school clothes"
"Well, TaeHyung may let you borrow a pair of his clothes. Or Yoongi since he wears the smallest clothes of the group." He said.
"I'm not giving her my clothes" Yoongi yelled from his room and Haeun laughed with Namjoon and Kookie "I'm going to bed guys. Night"
Hoseok laughed at Yoongi and went to his room. "And why not? You wouldn't be nice to let a girl borrow your clothes?" He said.
"Because my clothes are mine. Not hers and besides she sleeping in Taes room not mine" he said on his bed
Haeun went in the room "Hey Tae"
"Would you let me borrow your clothes?" Hoseok asked just to see his reaction. TaeHyung look over where she was since he was at his closet, putting things in it. "Hello."
"Get out hobi" Yoongi said
"D-do you mind if I borrow a shirt or something to sleep in"
"Aw, come on. I share a room with you. And I am not sleeping on the couch again." Hoseok said.
"Oh, no I don't mind at all." He looked through his dresser and pulled out a pair of Gym Shorts and a T- Shirt. "It's the only thing I have that could possibly fit you."
"Thanks" she said going into the bathroom to change
"Then don't ask. Your clothes are right over there"
Hoseok laughed and laid down. "I know. I'm just messing with you." He smiled.
TaeHyung sat down on his bed and turned on his phone.
Haeun put her uniform with her bag and went back into taes room
"Where should I sleep. I-I'm fine with sleeping on the floor"
"No no. I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. You can sleep in my bed." He said and puts his phone away.
"O-ok" she sat on the bed
He laid down. "If it gets awkward or anything. Just tell me, I'll move to the couch." He said.
"You don't have to. I can move."
"No. It's fine. I've had to sleep on the couch plenty of times. So it doesn't bother me." He said
"O-ok" she went on her phone and put in an earbud to watch the not today mv since it was her favorite
He shifted onto his side and he started to fall asleep. "Good night Haeun." He said to her.
He soon fell asleep completely.
After watching the mv she did the same
In the morning Haeun and Suga were still sleeping and Namjoon and Jungkook were up
Soon came morning. TaeHyung sat up and allowed his eyes to adjust to the light.
TaeHyung got up and walked out of his room, smoothing down his hair a bit.
"Hey Tae. Is Haeun still asleep" Kookie asked
He nodded. "Yeah. She's passed out basically." He said and sat down. Soon Jimin and Hoseok walked out of their rooms.
After a while Haeun came out "morning guys" she said yawning
"Good morning sleepy head." TaeHyung said.
She blushed a bit "your bed is actually kinda comfortable Tae"
TaeHyung smiled. "That's why I usually sleep in on the weekends." Jin came out a few minutes later. "Morning everyone."
Yoongi was still asleep "I'm not surprised that Yoongi is the last one out here" Namjoon said
"He's always that last one. And he wouldn't want us waking him up because he cuss us out." Jimin said.
"Yeah. I don't blame him though. He works hard to make the songs"
"True. But that's basically all that he does. Sleep, write music, practice and eat." TaeHyung said.
"And those are the four steps for Yoongi's daily life." Hoseok said.
Haeun laughed a bit
"Do any of y'all want breakfast?" Jin asked as he walked to the kitchen.
All three of them nodded
"Haeun, do you have anything specifically you want to eat? Since you're our guest." Jin asked.
"No not really." She said smiling
"Are you sure? I can cook you anything." He said.
"I'm fine. I usually just have a muffin for breakfast"
"Alright. Does anyone want eggs?" Jin asked them.
"I'm fine with that" Kookie said. Joonie nodded
"Fried or scrambled." He asked.
"Scrambled for me" Haeun said
"Anything for me" Joonie said
"Fried" Kookie said
"Okay." Jin said and went back to the kitchen to cook their breakfast.
Haeun was hungry and still a bit tired. Yoongi came out since he smelled food
Soon. He finished making everyone eggs. He made their plates. "Here y'all go." He sets their plates down.
Haeun started eating and Yoongi did too as Kookie and Joonie laughed
They all started eating.
After Haeun finished eating she went to change into her uniform
TaeHyung turned around. "We could let you stop by your dad's house. It's better than wearing a dirty uniform."
"It's fine. Besides my dad thinks all of you are girls so I don't wanna anger him with letting him know that I was at a house with 7 boys"
"Ohh. So you told him we were girls?" TaeHyung asked.
"Yeah. He would make me go home if he knew you were guys. He's protective since I'm his only child"
TaeHyung nodded. "Sounds kinda like my mom with my younger siblings." He said.
She laughed a bit and went into the bathroom and changed
Jin took up their plates and went to wash the dishes.
Haeun came out in her uniform she texted her dad that she wanted to dye her hair Pink and he said she could so he would be picking her up after school "I'm going to be picked up by my dad today. So act like I'm not there"
"Alright. So basically like we never met you?" Hoseok asked.
"Just for today. He's taking me somewhere after school. Also can each of you put your numbers in my phone. I wanna text you"
The four of them nodded. "Alright."
She gave them her phone to put them in her contacts
They put their number into her phone. "There you go." TaeHyung said.
The other three did the same "thanks guys"
"No problem." They all smiled.
She smiled and changed the names to funny nicknames for each
Jungkook was Jungshook
Jin was Pink princess/Eomma Jin
Namjoon was dance monster
Hoesek was J-horse
Yoongi was the rapping rock
Taehyung was Alien/4D
And Jimin was no jams guys
TaeHyung had peeked over her shoulder to see all the names. He laughed slightly, trying not to get the others attention.
"You like them" she said jokingly
He nodded. "I especially like Yoongi's" he smiled.
"I could have done something from Agust D but I decided not to" she looked at the time "we should start heading to school"
The four of them nodded. They were already dressed for school, so all they did was grab their bag.
She grabbed her bag and put her phone in it. The three grabbed their bags and started heading out
The four of them walked out, while TaeHyung Finished buttoning up his blazer, since he walked around in his t-shirt all morning.
Haeun waited for him "come on Tae"
"Okay Okay. I'm coming." He said and locked the door. "Let's go."
She started walking and told her dad she was on her way to school
TaeHyung caught up with the others and took a deep breath. "Aren't y'all glad today is our last day?" Jimin said.
"Of course. We get to perform then we get to learn Japanese." Namjoon said as Haeun caught up with them "wait when are you gonna perform"
"After school there's an end of the year dance and we're going to perform Fire, I need You, Butterfly and Dope" he said
"Cool. I'm not going to be there since my dad is picking me up at 4"
"And you can't forget Run." Jimin said.
"Well, maybe you could make it for our last couple of songs." TaeHyung said. "Please?" He begged.
"I'll try to. I'm not making any promises though so don't feel bad if I don't make it. I don't know how long it will take with my dad"
"Okay. I'll get one of the students to film it for you in case you can't make it." TaeHyung smiled slightly.
"Thanks guys. It would technically be my first concert too." They made it to the school building and Haeun went to sit on a bench
"Well, I'm gonna get to class. Bye everyone." Hoseok said as Jin and Jimin followed.
"Bye" she said putting in earbuds and listening to autumn leaves
TaeHyung sat next to her and looked over at her phone. "Whatcha listening to?" He asked.
"Autumn leaves. Also why do you like looking at my phone so much" she joked
He smiled his boxy smile. "Well, maybe I just like looking at other people's things." He said.
"Would you like it if I always looked at your phone while you're doing something"
"I'm not always on my phone. Plus, it's interesting to look at a girl's phone." He laughed slightly.
She playfully slapped his arm and laughed
He held his arm where she slapped him and smiled. "What? I'm telling the truth."
"Come on. Let's get to class you pabo"
He got up and grabbed his bag. "Alright. Let's go." He said.
She grabbed her bag and went ahead of him
He smiled at her and went to class.
"Jin Tae was being mean to me" she said as she walked in the classroom jokingly
Jin looked up at TaeHyung. "I was not being mean." TaeHyung said and poured slightly.
"He kept looking at my phone without my permission"
"TaeHyung.." Jin said suspiciously. "But she didn't push me away or anything. So I thought she was fine with it."
"I was just listening to music." She laughed a bit

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