Chapter 5

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She still had on her onesie so she put her hood up
"You honestly look  adorable in this onesie." He said and twisted her little ponytail.
She blushed "t-thanks"
He smiled at her.
He continued to scroll through his phone.
After a while she got a bit hungry
Hoseok groaned. "I'm so boreddd." He said. TaeHyung got an idea. "I know, we can go to the pool."
"I would need to get a bathing suit from my house but I'm fine with that" Haeun said. The boys got excited
The four of them smiled and got up. "Alright. Let's go change." Jimin said and they got up to change.
Haeun went to her house to get a bathing suit
The four of them got into their swimming shorts and shirts. They walked out and waited for Haeun.
The boys were changed and waiting for Haeun
TaeHyung took out his phone and texted her. "Are you almost ready?"
"Yeah. Hold on'
"Alright. Do you want us to meet you at your house?"
"Sure lemmie give you my address' she texted him her address
"Come on. Haeun wants us to meet her at her place." TaeHyung said as the others followed.
"Ok" the boys followed him
TaeHyung went to her house and waited outside.
She came outside in a shirt since her dad made her cover up "Hey guys" her hair was up
TaeHyung blushed slightly. "Hi." Hoseok said.
"We ready to go?" She asked ready to go
The four of them nodded. "Let's go." Jimin said. "Kookie. Come here." TaeHyung said.

He walked over to him "yeah hyung"
Haeun walked with everyone else

"You want a piggie back ride? To pay back for the one last night." He offered.
"Sure. Why not"
He smiled and squatted slightly. "Alright."
He got on
He stood up and jogged to catch up with the others.
Haeun giggled at them
"We're here." TaeHyung said and smiled.
They got to the pool and Haeun jumped in
The four of them got in. TaeHyung sat down in the water.
The three got in
Haeun had taken off her shirt to show her bathing suit. She came up to tae "
TaeHyung smiled and blushed as well. "Hello."
"You wanna play chicken fight with someone"
"Yeah!" He said excitedly. "Who should we go for."
"Hmmmmm. Let's not do Yoongi. But maybe mom and dad" she said pointing at Jin and Namjoon
"Yeah. Besides. Jin and Namjoon are just sitting at the edge of the water." He said.
"Now let me get on your shoulders"
"Alright." He went underwater and picked her up onto his shoulders.
She smiled
He stood up and crept his way over to Namjoon and Jin. "What are y'all two up to?" Jin asked.
"Nothing" she said giggling a bit
Jin looked at the two suspiciously. "What are y'all hiding from us." Jin said with a slight laugh. TaeHyung smiled.
"Nothing. Nothing at all" she said smiling
Jin chuckled. "Alright." He said and continued to talk to Namjoon. TaeHyung looked up at her. "Alright. What do we do now."

Ok A/N. imma be starting another book that's original.

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These are the pics for the cover that I wanna use

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These are the pics for the cover that I wanna use. Imma let you guys choose and it's gonna be a BTS texts btw.

Bye frensssss 🥓

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