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Okay so I will be switching the main character to a different character in the book.this is probably going to happen several times though!!!.:)

Please put your playlist here.

"Ehen mummy this is a picture of the competition I was telling you and daddy about the other day"I say as I crouch beside my mum and show her the official website of some dance competition called "SCHOOL OF PURPLE " on my iPad.
She pauses for a while as she scrolls down the website and the way she squints when she is done makes me Lose hope in her ever allowing me to go for the competition.
"Over my dead body we did not come to America for you to be a dancer.Mo kò."
I mentally roll my eyes.
"Mummy seriously ,so you can't even support me ehn".
"My child you know i love you.I want you to be great .I don't want evil things for you.this competition is not for children of God...."
I interrupt her and shout"oh to hell with that mummy".
Her mood changes to anger and she steps towards me .I know what's coming next so I brace myself for one of her slaps.
Thanks to my dad who walked in or I will have gotten slapped to the moon by mummy.
my dad sensed the mood in the kitchen and says to me "Adunni what is it this time"
Between tears I manage to say"daddy don't mind mummy oh she won't let me go for the dance competition I showed you that day".
He pauses for a while before he says softly "honey why don't we let her just do it .its good that she wants to follow her dream and we all know Adunni is a wonderful dancer".
My mother looks from my dad to me and sighs heavily.
"Whatever she is your daughter anyways so I guess this can work"
I smile broadly and run to hug my mother.she hugs me for a brief moment before saying "Adunni the fact that we have given you permission does not mean anything.I must not hear anything about you and any boy or see any picure of you wearing short skirt ooo".
"Okay mummy thank you very much,I love you".
She laughs and pecks me on my forehead.


I quickly call my bestfriend who lives in Nigeria to tell her about the good news.
She picks after the third ring.
"Hey Adunni .how are you babygirl?"
"Folake am good .Guess what"
"Adunni you know how much I hate guessing just tell me jare".
"Okay joor.my mum actually allowed me to go for the competition "
"Guyyyyyyyy!.mad.mad.mad,I am super excited for you.infact if you could see me now you will she me doing shoki for you".
I laugh heartily and shake me head.
"Folake you can't change you that..."
I hear a loud house from her end of the phone and she sighs.
"Adunni it's my mother calling me to stir the soup am cooking".
"Oh okay help me g..."
Before I could finish my sentence she cut the call.
Oh how much I miss folake and how close we used to be.Back when i was still in Nigeria we used to sneak out to buy suya in the night and parade the estate looking for fine boys.I miss when we will go extra early to school just to copy someone's assignment .I miss having a bestfriend that lives beside my house and not miles and miles away.

I start preparing for the competition and I am getting seriously freaked out.what if no one likes me because me foreign .what if i don't dance well and I end up embarassing myself.
What if my accent seems funny and no one even tried to be friendly.
What if i am ignored because of my brown skin.
I guess I will never know in advance. I have to wait for the day to come.


Oh my gawddddddddddddddd I can not believe I actually have over a hundred views on my boookkk!!!!
Am so excited. Thank you everyone💙💙💙.
Okay so I understand that some people would not understand the Nigerian language used in this book So here are the interpretations.

Ehen____ so

Mo kò___ I reject it.

Shoki___ a Nigerian dance move.


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