Chapter 4 - Taehyung

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"Tch." I clucked my tongue under my breath. I honestly couldn't believe I had been sent to keep watch over the marina. I don't know why anyone would have to keep lookout here. Koki would have to be an idiot to return to a place that everyone knows he frequents. I clucked my tongue again in annoyance, but despite said annoyance I had a job to do. I leaned down to peer through my scope. I slowly swept the surrounding areas noting the best places for someone to use the shadows as cover. Not that there were many of them. The marina was well lit for being after hours, but regardless, someone who knew what they were doing could very easily move through the area without being spotted. I lifted my head again and peered around with just my eyes. My vantage point was great. The main outpost building I was perched atop of gave me a wide range of view, and with my scope being the best money could buy I knew this job would be cake if Koki returned here.

A small amount of movement caught my attention as I was scanning. I leaned down peering through my scope to track it. It appeared to be a man. "Well well. Maybe Koki is that big an idiot." I muttered to myself. The pointer finger of my right hand began caressing the trigger of its own volition. Something close to excitement tingled through my veins. Was it going to be this easy? The darkly dressed figure turned slightly and I caught a glimpse of his face. My elation deflated. It wasn't him, but considering the time of night he wasn't just some man here to take his boat for a spin. He was here for the same reason as me. I peered harder through my scope hoping to figure out who he was. Just as he began to turn, almost fully facing me, three other men appeared from seemingly nowhere. I pulled my head back and watched the scene that was about to unfold in front of me with my own eyes.

The first man didn't show any signs of knowing he had been followed, but before I had time to track his movements a throwing star whistled through the air, finding a new home in the first pursuers forehead. The man dropped to the ground in a sprawl, dead before hitting the pavement. A pool of blood spread quickly beneath him. The first man glanced down at the man he had just killed, and despite not being able to see his eyes, I knew they held a demonic light. He shook his head, squeezed his eyes shut, and plowed his hands into his hair. The other two pursuers, not knowing what was happening, decided to make their move. I wanted to shout at him to look up, to warn him of the danger, but there wasn't a need. With lightning swift movements, he attacked. The sheer viciousness with which he fought the other two was beyond anything I had seen before. It was as if he were a caged animal finally set free. Somehow his feelings were being telegraphed perfectly to me. I felt as he did. For just this brief moment in time, we were one.

A haze was covering our eyes. Everything was a blur. Our breath sawed in and out. Not from overexertion, but from the pure adrenalin that ran through our veins. From the pure ecstasy of letting go, and becoming the one thing we feared the most. Because by letting go of that fear, we were finally free. We tried to pull back, but we couldn't. Maybe we didn't want to. The violence was too much a part of us. We were wrath. We were death. Finally, the battle fever lessened and we were able end the bloodshed, but it was too late and what we saw was something that could never be taken back. Never forgiven. We threw our head back and screamed in agony.

As if slapped, I was back inside myself again. Having never experienced something like that I was shook to my core, but that didn't matter, because what he felt was far beyond my confusion, it was pure self-loathing. My heart wrenched for him as I looked down from above. As I finally took stock of the disturbing scene with my own eyes, his name came to me. Only one person could have single handedly wrought so much carnage so effortlessly: Jimin, second heir to The Yusan throne.

He kneeled on the ground his head still thrown back, a silent scream still rounding his mouth. His hands were held out in front of him palms up, blood dripping from them. His clothes were soaked, as if by a storm. He truly looked like a God of Death.

I couldn't take this. I had to help him. I needed to know that he was going to be okay. I didn't understand my need to get to him, to help and protect him, but I didn't care. I made quick work of packing up my rifle. I hoisted the case on my shoulder and sprinted for the emergency ladder on the side of the building. Once I was on the ground I ran to my bike, threw my case on the seat with little concern for it, and turned on my heel and ran towards Jimin. I sprinted headlong towards what seemed like something that would change me forever.

As I got closer to Jimin I took in details about him that I'm sure I wouldn't have noticed about anyone else. How his hair was a bit over grown. If his head hadn't been tipped back, I'm sure his hair would have shagged into his eyes. How the area around his eyes was smooth, indicating he smiled very rarely, if at all. More little details about him zoomed through my mind, but I had finally reached him so I didn't have time to take them in. He needed me.

I dropped to my knees in front of him. I grasped his wrists and shook him. "Jimin!" I called, "Jimin! Please, can you hear me?" This time the words erupted on a desperate breath. He didn't move for what seemed like an endless moment. Then slowly, so slowly, he raised his head off his shoulders and he looked at me, or more accurately he looked through me. I ran my hands up his arms and over his shoulders. I paused for a moment on his shoulders and squeezed, "Please." I whispered. I moved my hands up to his cheeks and cupped them. I looked directly into his tortured eyes, "I'm going to fix this. I'm going to help you. Please let me help you." He canted his head, and his eyes came into focus. He blinked, and then blinked again.

"Who are you?" he whispered. His voice was soft and calm. So at odds with the massacre we were surrounded by.

"Somebody who is going to take care of you." I answered just as quietly. He smiled a sweet smile and then his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell forward into my waiting arms.


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