Chapter 5 - Jimin

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     A dull pounding in my head woke me. I sat up slowly, but still groaned with the effort. Once I was sitting up straight I rubbed my face and opened my eyes. I blinked. Blinked again. Where the hell am I? My surroundings were not familiar in the least. The most surprising thing was the half-dressed male who was sound asleep on top of the covers next to me. What the hell is going on? Although I was more than capable of taking care of myself in any situation, I was starting to panic. I flipped the covers back to reveal I was just barely dressed myself. I jumped out of bed and scanned the room for my clothes.

     "They aren't dry yet," came a sleepy voice from behind me, "Yours clothes? That's what you are looking for, right? Well, they were badly stained. I had to wash them more than once. They aren't dry yet."

     I turned slowly to see the previously sleeping young man sitting up against the head board with his arms tucked casually behind his head. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, solid black boxer briefs, and one sock of all things. I looked around myself again trying and failing to get my bearings. "Who are you? Where am I? What freaking day is it? What the shit is going on?!" My voice level grew with every question. My confusion and disorientation getting the better of me. Because if I was this out of it I knew something bad had to have happened at the marina.

     "Whoa there!" He jumped up out of bed and stood on the opposite side facing me, "It's okay. My name is Taehyung. You can call me Tae. We m-met last night at the marina." His voice kind of stuttered over the word 'met' and I realized he must know what had happened. I narrowed my eyes on him, willing him to offer more information. "You don't remember what happened do you?" I said nothing letting that be my answer. He blew out a quick breath. "Okay let's get dressed and then we can talk." I wanted nothing more than for him to tell me everything right this moment, but I knew he was right to want to create some semblance of normalcy in this bizarre situation.

     Tae strode over to his closet and pulled out a generic white t-shirt, like his own, and a pair of sweatpants and turned to hand them to me. He went back for a second pair of sweats and pulled them on himself. He also discarded the single sock and remained barefoot. As he strode out of the bedroom door he threw over his shoulder, "I'll be in the kitchen with coffee and answers when you are ready."

     I quickly pulled on my borrowed shirt and pants, in a hurry to get the answers I sought. Right before I exited the room, I spied my phone on the bedside table, charging. I hurried over and unlocked it to text Jin and let him know I was okay. Frowning I looked at the most recent text. It was to Jin. From late last night, after the last thing I remember. It read: Last night did not go as planned. Everything went F.U.B.A.R. A cleaning crew for the mess has already been called. I'll be laying low for a few days. I'll contact you when I think it is safe. I looked up from my phone and glanced at the door. He had to be the one who sent this. I'm never in my right mind after a night like last. Who the hell is this guy? How did he know to text Jin? I think it is past time I found out.

     When I entered the kitchen, Tae was casually sitting at the table reading the paper and sipping his coffee as if stuff like this happened to him every day. I warily walked around the table to take a seat across from him. I sat down, picked up my coffee mug and sipped. I hummed happily under my breath. Black and strong just the way I liked it. "So are we going to just sit here and sip coffee in silence like some awkward morning after, or are we actually going to discuss what happened last night?" I asked irritably.

     Tae chuckled behind his paper. He folded a corner back and peered at me over it. "I know what you mean by that statement, but it was a poor choice in words. The way you phrased that question made it sound like we had sex and now you want to talk about where our 'relationship' is going." He chuckled again, and against my will, my cheeks heated in embarrassment causing me to stutter over what I wanted to say next. "Calm down Jimin I was just playing around, but to help ease your mind a little, I will tell you we definitely did not have sex last night." For some reason the way he crooned those last couple of words made it seem like there was an unspoken but very implied 'yet' that belonged at the end of that statement. My cheeks heated further.

     "Enough," I muttered roughly. "I need to know what happened for real. And how do you know me when I don't know you." The teasing light left Tae's eyes. He folded up his paper and laid it on the table.

     "I'm not going to lie to you Jimin. It isn't a story that you will want to hear."

     "Regardless. Tell me anyway."

     It took quite some time, but Tae gave a surprisingly detailed retelling of what happened. He even was very candid about how he felt connected to me through the whole incident. His eyes were honest and not once did I feel even the smallest amount of judgement from him. I didn't understand how someone I've never met before could look at me this way. As if he wanted to protect me from everything, even myself. It was humbling. I didn't deserve this.

     "Anything else you need to know?" He asked gently.

    "Yes. Who are you?"

     "You still haven't figured it out huh? I know you..." His words faded, but I could almost hear the rest of that sentence, 'but you don't know me?' He cleared his throat and the sad look in his eyes was masked, "My name is Taehyung. Fifth executive to The Milae and you Jimin are second son, heir, to The Yusan. We are sworn enemies."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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