Cosmic soul

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It is 1 AM
I lay in bed
The fairy lights shine like stars and the wind blows behind the glass
And you are on my mind

My breathing is labored
Your smile flashes behind my eyes and your lies echo in my head
You are in my heart
But tonight you wield a weapon

My vision blurs
And my thoughts spin, a never ending dance
And with every word spoken in your voice
The pain gets sharper

As my body lays still
My soul thrashes violently and my heart howls
A song of sorrow, a song of love
A song to accompany your careless gestures

Your indifference and detachment slash me open
From my heart spills endless caring and the pain of its unimportance
I am drowning from the inside
And as I choke on my own heart

I see your soul

And I am at peace

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