39. Rise of the Isle of the Lost By Melissa De La Cruz

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June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
The third book was amazing! I really enjoyed this book and it's very pretty too. It doesn't match the other 2 because I ordered the second book from Scholastic  and it's fricken half the size. Other then that it was amazing! I hope that there is a 4th book and I can't wait to see the movie when it comes out this summer!


So at the beginning Uma was mad that Mal was going away and that she was staying at the Isle of the Lost unappreciated. I just laughed and was like "Welcome to the club Uma."

Friends don't let friends stay on the Isle of the Lost.

What I found funny is Carlos was going to get a T-shirt at the Seaside Festival that said "I went to the Seaside Festival and all I got was this t-shirt." I'm going to be honest, I always wanted one of those shirts but my parents never let me.

So there was a chapter that was chapter 2 1/4. There was no other 3/4. Those are missing. Rip other 3/4.

So Ursula is a bad mother because she was complianing to Uma and comparing with Mal. How rude.

So Uma works at her mom's shop and a Customer says "This smells like a week old." And Uma is like "It is a week old." The guy just takes it and eats it.

So detention at Auradon is baking/cooking. I would enjoy that.

Doug is seeing Evie and Ma and says "There are my favorite girls." And Mal has a look of like what, excuse me.

I like Ben's mom. Well she's belle sooooo.

So Mal's ringtone is MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. So very creepy.

"I need a ship."
"A ship! What do you need a ship for?" He asked.
"We're pirates, Harry. What kind of pirates don't have a pirate ship?"

Uma is like "I WANT THE SHIP." But Harry reminds her tht she's a sea witch and can't sail.

So Carlos doesn't want to go back to the island because he's scared of his mom and everyone's like "Everyone is afraid of your mom."

"You sound like your mom," said Lonnie with a smile.
"I try to," said Ben, asking for the check. "She's a wise woman."

So Mal has to back to isle of the lost and I'm just like plz stop.

"Who's that?" Said Evie, catching sight of thick, ropy strands.
"I can't tell yet. One of the pirates, maybe?" Said Carlos.
The mirror kept focusing.
"It's a girl," said Jay decisively. "Those are braids."
"That's not a girl. That's a sea witch," said Mal, talping on the screen.

So Uma needs Sophie so she tells Gil to go on a date with her. And Gil kept bothering and bothering her like plz stop.

So at a point in the book Ben got a glass of boba. I WANT THAT BOBA DRINK BEN YOU HAVE NOOO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THOSE THINGS!!!!

They got caught stealing a boat and they were going to be sent back to the island. They go there a lot so I'm not surprised.

So Uma was telling Sophie to come on Fridays because it's the weekend special. The special was what they didn't sell over the week. I'm disgusted.

Mal was telling everyone it's her fault and stuff. What a surprise.

So when they're in fairy godmother's office Ben walks in to save the day. What else is new.

"What is it?" Said Uma.
"A crescent," said Harry.
"Or maybe it's a moon," Gil added.
"A crescent is a moon," Harry snapped.

Gosh I thought they got an education on the Isle.

They found an X and were very excited and Uma is all like it's wrong and stuff.

Skeletons appeared out of nowhere. Guess it's the skeleton war all over.

Ben said he could drive a boat because he took lessons all his life and then said all these other things he can do like chilll.

They got the trident. Yay.

"MAL! You don't always get to win!" Uma screamed in fury.
"I think she just did," said Gil. "Didn't she?"


So Doug is inviting Uncle Sneezy and Evie is like "Does he always have a cold?" And Doug says Allergies. Hahaha

"Mark my words. This isn't the end of our story. It's only the beginning."

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