1. City of Bones By Cassandra Clare

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January 2nd, 2018
Finished ~
January 8th, 2018
First, my new favorite book ever. This book was so magical and dark at the same time. I usually don't like fantasy and Cassandra Claire books, but this was amazing. With Claire's books you have to patient and read slowly. I didn't do that with The Internal Devices, but I did it with City of Bones and it was nice.
Soooo about the ending, I'm sorta mad that my ship JacexClary is over. They kissed and Jace was so sweet to Clary but guess what! FRICKEN PLOT TWIST CENTRAL AM I RIGHT!? I kinda ship Clary and Simon but not really tbh. Well anyway, I wanna look up a family tree but it'll probably spoil me for later books. Anyway I thought the story was great with all that. I'm excited to read the second book. I just realized the spoil section isn't really spoiling but here are some spoilers. I don't like that Jace is Jonathan. Valentine annoys me so much he is the evil of evil. He pretended he was dead along with Jonathan for no reason. I felt sorry for Jocelyn because she was depressed and sad that Jonathan was dead and called Clary "Jonathan" and ALL THE FEELS!!! any I watched the movie and hated because 1. A lot of stuff is wrong 2. I don't like that the characters aren't how I saw them in my head.

Also if you weren't aware I have a good reads good reads.com/UniDaUnicorn1128 

If that web address is wrong it's also in my message board.

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