Chapter 2: The girl and the killer

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The masked man and Deathblade keep fighting. They hack and slash trying to cut each other, but they block each blow and each one evades each sword attack without hesitating. "This Breaker is good with his attacks." "Heh, I have a lot more in my sleeves" says the masked man as he cuts one of Deathblade's mechanical legs. Deathblade, surprised of the attack, jumps into a wall making his hand break the wall, and as such he jumps toward the masked man hitting him and pushing him into the other wall breaking it entirely making it into another room with guards in it. "We have you now decapitator. Surrender now or we'll kill you." says one of the guards. "Kill me???" the masked man stands up and looks at them saying "the one you have to kill is that damn robot you dimbwits". "That robot is at our side" Tells another guard. "Dammit...that old man is still working for this dumbasses...." As Deathblade enters the room through the broken wall, the guards start shooting at the masked man.

The masked man starts blocking each bullet and decapitating each guard. "HE IS TO STRONG! RETREAT! THE ROBOT WILL FINISH HIM!!!" says one guard as he gets decapitated by the masked man. "You are an assasin...masked decapitator" says Deathblade as he swings against the man "Heh, and you are a robot without a leg". The masked man and Deathblade are fierce with each blow, each one trying to cut, when finally, Deathblade gets half of his body cutted in a half by the masked man. "You are quite strong, I'll admit that. But you are just a robot." He says as he leaves the room. "You........are....strong...." Deathblade whispers as he shuts down slowly.

"Huh, seems like this first attempt at trying to control an android was...unsuccesfull" says  the old man. "Sir, the Beheader-" "Yes, I know." He replies. "...........Johny, send all guards into the lab and please, dont commit any errors and eliminate him" "Yes Dr. Hades!" the guard says as he leaves. Hades, surprised of the strenght the Beheader had, looks and the cameras and says " that I know how strong you are, I can make Deathblade stronger, and make more androids stronger tha you. Beheader"

In front of the palace and laboratories, Riva is taking a walk to try and stay awake for school. She has a happy smile and really cute eyes making her look happy for university while thinking about how will she make her history assigment. "HEY, RIVA!" "Not now..." Riva says to herself as her smile starts to fade away and her eyes become sorrowed. "Hey there Riva. How is your "girlfriend". HAHAHA!!!" A girl with pink horn like hair, big breasts and a skull on her shirt walks towards Riva alongside some guys with black shirts and gang hats in their heads. "Hi Rita...." Riva says trying not to make  eye contact. "Rita??? Call me Mrs. Fuki you bitch" says Rita as she slaps Riva. "HAHAHAHA! Look at you! So weak as always! HAHAHA!!!" Riva looks down, and starts feeling powerless and numb towards those words and that slap. "Well, talk to you in school, Riva. HAHAHAHA!!!" Rita says as she laughs while walking with her "friends"

Riva was always bullied as a child by Rita, she just can't get away from her, wich is the reason Riva feels depressed every time Rita is around. She starts walking to her school as suddenly, some weird masked guy appears with blood hin his clothes. "HUH!?" Riva, scared runs towards the hurted man trying to help him.

"S-stay away from me." Says the masked man to her. "S-sir! You are wounded!" "I said stand back!" says the man as he starts to regenerate fast. Riva, confused and scared, does what the man told her to do, as he gets back inside the tower where he starts killing a bunch of guards. "I-is he who I think it is?" thinks Riva. The man, fighting the guards, starts decapitating one by one like it was nothing. Riva, scared, tries to run away, but a guard catches her and puts a gun in her head. "HEY! DECAPITATOR! LOOK!" says the guard taunting the Beheader. "Why you....SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. SHE IS JUST AN INNOCENT GIRL!" says the Beheader mad at the guard. "Heh, you dont remember me??? I can kill whoever I want if you dont do what I want" says the guard as he takes out his mask. "Ranger...." "Damn straight son, now, put your blade down to the ground and I'll let her go." says Ranger as he keeps his gun in her head. Riva, scared, starts having thoughts on her life and how much she wants to be with her friends. "In your dreams" says Beheader as he cuts Ranger's head. Shocked, Riva looks at Ranger and his head starts falling to the ground. "W-w-what's going on??? W-why am I looking at this. T-this is wrong, this is not ok. I'm scared...I'm scared, I'm scared!" she starts thinking of this thoughts as the Beheader, tired for all that fighting, falls down. "W-wait!" she says as she holds the man's body. 

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