Sorry sbb dh lama x update. Sye x da idea. Jgn risau. This story mmg x pnjg smpi berpuluh-puluh episode pon. Maybe x smpi 20 bab pon. Sye akan usahakan utk siapkn this story secepat mgkn. Hope you guys still enjoy reading this story.
And btw, thank you kpd yg masukkn thid story dlm reading list, vote this story. I really appreciate it. X harap sgt this story akan jadi hebat seperti cerita2 lain. Cuma harap dpt isi masa lapang korang nk tggu update story dri citer2 yg korang minat kan?
Akhir kate, thanks sbb baca note nie. Love ya😙
Klu x keberatan, mana2 yg ada wechat tu meh laa add sye. Boleh tambah friends😁.
Id- fariesha19599
Do add me tau. Love ya😘
My Hot Duda. (Short Story)
NouvellesHighest ranking: 1st in Short Story Currently record: 5th in Short Story Keep vote and comment guys! Sinopsis: Lelaki? Mana kau lebih prefer. Bujang? Duda? Mungkin kau akan pilih bujang tapi dia pilih duda. Siapa dia? Shasha. Gadis melayu yang giler...