Frankie stood outside of golden gates built seamlessly on a never-ending floor of clouds. "Where am I?" Frankie called out. He was answered with silence. He inched slowly toward the gates. They started to open, and as Frankie walked through, a figure began making its way to him. It looked like a man, but he wasn't sure.
By now, Frankie had assumed he was in Heaven. "Are you God?" he asked. "No," the man replied. Frankie recognized something in the mystery man's voice. The two walked across the sea of clouds towards each other. As Frankie was in arms reach of him, the man removed a hood from his head. It was had dad! It was Frankie's dad. Frankie reached out to hug him, and as he did, he woke up...
Frankie woke up in a hospital bed. He had an iv in his arm and the bed side machine was monitoring his heart rate. He loooked around to try and see where he was. He noticed the University Medical Center logo on some of the medical equipment. He was in Jackson. As Frankie continued to come to, he realized his arm was damaged up. He noticed something else as well. He was cuffed to the bed. He tugged slightly, then began to panic. "Nurse. Nurse! Somebody!" A nurse soon came to the doorway. "Are you Frankie Jones?" she asked. He nodded, then asked, "Why am I cuffed to the bed?" She replied with, "I'll call the doctor."
Moments later, the doctor came in, along with his Mississippi Child Protective Services social worker. Frankie's heart sank to the pit of his stomach. The doctor began to read off his chart. "Frankie M. Jones. 16 years, 11 months. 125 pounds, 5 feet, 10 inches. Our toxicology report determined that at the time of his attempted suicide, he was intoxicated." Frankie became angry. "I wasn't trying to kill myself. I was just trying to relieve some stress." Mrs Connors, his social worker spoke up. "I noticed you lost about 40 pounds, Frankie. I know you've been drinking awhile. And I know what that stuff will do to you." "You don't know anything!" Frankie yelled.
"Frankie," Mrs Connors reasoned, "Calm down honey." The doctor stepped out and Mrs Connors sat down beside the bed. "We're going to be moving you again. Ms Ruth won't take you back." Inside, he was upset at being moved again, but glad to be away from Ms Ruth and her relentless children. He tried to calm down. "Get some rest, Frankie. I'll be back first thing tomorrow morning."
Ficção GeralFrankie Jones was an everyday boy. That was until drugs took his father's life, and Child Protective Services took him. Now he struggles through his day to day life. Jump in and witness his struggles, his demons, and maybe even his redemption.