III. Eyes pierce the soul.

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Im scared the second my eyes are open. Im in an unfamiliar room. My eyes search around frantically and look at the empty grey walls. I sit up right as the door to the room is opened. Its too dark to make out the face of the person stood in front of me.

"Who are you?" I ask as my voice falters. "Its just me" I hear a familiar voice say as I hear the click of a light turn on, dispersing light throughout the room. Chris sits at the foot of the bed and keeps his eyes straight.

I feel something on my neck and move my hand up, met with the feeling of cotton. I go to take it off when Chris stops my motions with his hand. "Don't mess with that," Chris says, his voice calm. "

"Where am I? What happened?" I ask, beginning to feel confused. I try to recall what happened after I got home but its all a blur.

"You were bit by some animal. I found you outside your apartment and brought you here to help you. My moms a doctor," he says and I still feel confused.

"What?" I say, disbelief lacing my voice.

"You're fine. You should get some sleep," he says, turning the light back off and walking toward the door. "Ill be down the hall if you need me," is the last thing he says before he closes the door, leaving me back in the dark.

I feel my eyes start to droop and decide that some sleep would be best. I lay my head down on the pillow and curl up under the covers, falling into a restless sleep


Im sitting in my apartment after telling Chris off. I see myself look back and laugh. Then I see it. He's here. He's grabbing me and I'm running away soon after. I see him bite me and see Chris rush in. His eyes. Oh my god.

I wake up with a jolt, covered in sweat. I hear my heart beating erratically in my ears as i run out of the room. I have to get away from here.

I continue to run, beginning to feel lost in this huge house.

"Where are you going?" I hear behind me, causing me to jump in fear.

"Get away from me," my voice quivers, making me sound weak. "Are you ok?" Chris asks, walking slightly closer to me.

"What are you?" I ask, shaking as I back away from him. "What?" he asks, taking another small step towards me. "Dont play stupid. What happened in my room that night," I ask, feeling my brave facade start to fall. "You don't know what you're talking about," he says, staring me deeply in the eyes.  "Stop," I plea, feeling myself start to shrink against the rough wall behind me. What if I'm going crazy?

"You're not. You just don't know what you saw," Chris says. Somehow he got in from of me, without me knowing. "How do you know-" I start, wondering  how he knows what I was thinking. "Im not who you think I am," Chris says as he steps back.

I see his eyes change from the piercing black to the red I saw the day before. "Don't be scared," he says, looking slowly up at me.

The red eyes pierce into mine, leaving me frozen.

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