Future Gymnast (Lance Tucker x Reader)

717 11 16

Warnings: Language

General POV

(Y/N) was sitting on the couch of her and her fiancée Lance's apartment watching Netflix as she waited for him to get home from work. She smiled to herself and she looked down at her small baby bump. She remembered the day she told Lance that she was pregnant. He was silent and he walked out of the house, she thought he left her because they hadn't talked about having kids yet but a few hours later he came back with some essential baby things and some things for her as well.

Lance had been amazing throughout her pregnancy, he helped make sure she ate healthy as well as letting her indulge in her cravings most of the time. He also made sure she did light exercise like some yoga to help her body, and her relax. He loved to talk to the baby almost every night just telling them how much he loved them and how he was going to protect them the best he could.

(Y/N) never expected to end up with Lance. She knew met him while he was in town for a gymnastics meet. He came to the bar she was working at, celebrating another gold medal he won and he flirted with her the entire night. He was a complete douche and he lived up to what the media said. He came back a few weeks later and he was a completely different person when he talked to her, he was sweet and he told her that's not the real him and she decided to give it a shot after a week or so of him visiting and trying prove to her that he could be nice.

(Y/N) smiled and she rubbed small circles on her belly when she felt little kicks, "You gonna give mommy a hard time sleeping tonight? You're very active baby," she said. She started talking to the baby throughout the day while Lance was gone. She would say random things as well as tell the baby how much her and Lance loved them. She smiled when she heard the jingling of keys outside the door and then the door unlocking.

Lance walked in and he took his shoes off, leaving them by the door and he dropped his gym bag on the ground. He was exhausted and he was still angry about something that happened at the gym that day.

(Y/N) could tell he was upset and she got up and walked over to him. She grabbed his hand and she walked with him to the couch, "What's wrong babe?"

Lance sighed and he ran a hand through his hair, "Maggie twisted her ankle really bad today. She decided to attempt a dismount I told her she wasn't ready for. I fucking told her not to do it and she fucking does it anyway," he said, "And then it's like nobody wanted to fucking listen to me and they did their own thing, doing whichever routines they want to, it pissed me the hell off."

(Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder and she rubbed it softly, "Hey, it's not your fault. You told her not to and she did anyways. That's her own fault and she cost herself the chance to medal again. You always do your best as a coach and you always succeed, and as for the ones not listening to them you should do some punishment. Like push-ups or something," she said and she kissed his cheek, "Don't be too hard on yourself. You've had a long day, but now it's time for you to relax and calm down okay?"

Lance lifted his head and his eyes met (Y/N)'s
(y/e/c) ones and he couldn't help but smile a little. She always made him happy and he was thankful to have her. He wrapped his arms around her and he pulled her close, kissing her temple, "You're right. You always know what to say."

(Y/N) smiled and she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, "Aren't I always right?" She asked with a small smirk.

"Not always," Lance teased, laughing when (Y/N) hit his chest playfully, "You know I'm kidding babe. Besides, how's our future gymnast?" He asked as he placed his hands on her belly.

"Great, being pretty active right now. I hope I won't have trouble sleeping," (Y/N) laughed a bit and she placed her hands over his.

Lance leaned down and he kissed her belly, "I hear you're giving your mom some trouble. It's almost time for bed so let's settle down a bit alright?" He said to her stomach and he smiled proudly when there was a soft movement where one of his hands were.

"The doctor called earlier and the results from the blood tests were normal. He also told me the gender of the baby," (Y/N) smile up at him.

"I'm glad everything's normal with the both of you," Lance smiled and he looked down at her, "Really? What did he say?" He asked excitedly.

"We're having a little boy," (Y/N) smiled and she kissed his cheek.

Lance smiled widely and he kissed her, "A boy! This is amazing, we're having a little boy!"

(Y/N) giggled and nodded, "We are, I'm so excited."

"Me too," Lance smiled and he kissed her belly again, "How have you been feeling?" He asked as he kept a hand on her belly.

"Great, I've been doing a few of those yoga exercises here and there and walking around the apartment more so I'm not sitting around all day," (Y/N) giggled.

"That's good. I'm glad that the exercises are helping," Lance smiled, "How about I come home for lunch tomorrow and we can order some takeout from your favorite Chinese place?"

(Y/N) smiled and she kissed his cheek, "That sounds amazing. Can't wait," she hummed and she rest her head on his chest, closing her eyes.

Lance smiled and he kissed her head as he held her close to him. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her and now he was going to have a son. He was glad that he decided to go to the bar he had first seen (Y/N) at to try and prove herself. It was the best decision he ever made. Everything was working out for him now, and he couldn't be happier.

A/N: Heyo! This is my first Lance one shot. Please leave some feedback and I hope you guys like this new book! I'm going to be writing as much as I can, since it's summer but writers block really sucks. I'm starting to get some inspiration back so I'm excited! Let me know what you think of this!

~ Haylie ❤️

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