I changed the show I'm watching but I shall not name it because it could give away my identity. Usually one of my friends would be calling be to talk well mainly gen talking and me listening. But they haven't called me in a few days which is very strange. I want to chop of my boobs. I want a dick so bad. My boobs and my vagina makes me feel sick. I could easily kill myself but I want to find love or something. The German boy on the show is very handsome. My thoughts are very scattered. I'm going to set down my phone for a little and think about life. I haven't put down my phone it's only been 2 minutes, but all I wanted to say was the Japanese girl that just lost was very cute. I'm still not sure what my sexuality is but I'd say I'm Pansexual. If any of my friends find this they would definitely be able to tell it's me. My chest hurts and I don't know why. I really want a chest binder but I can't afford it. My head is throbbing and I am starting to cry. My family hates me. I'm not sure if anyone likes me. I wish my skin was lighter. I wish my teeth were whiter. I wish I wasn't fat. I wish people accepted transgender people for who they are. I want a cigarette but I don't have a way to get some. I could go get some beer but I feel to weak to get it. My rib cage hurts. I'm hungry. I complain to much. I didn't sleep last night. I went on Facebook and got a "date" for fandom prom she seems cool we have the same filter thing on our profile picture so I guess that's cool. Now I'm bored of her. Now she stopped talking so that's good. One minute. For fucks sake she started sending me lyrics to this is Halloween.

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