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josh was driving in his car, the radio played an old rock song and as he drove down the forest surrounded road he felt nothing but at peace.

there were limited street lights and besides the brightness from josh's head lights it was hard to see the road. so hard to see the road that josh almost didn't see the lifeless body lying in the middle of the old cemented road.

the yellow haired boy's foot slammed down on the break and he unbuckled his seat belt with his heart suddenly racing in his chest. josh hoped to every god that the person laying on the road wasn't dead, the words played over and over in his head like a broken record.

under the light of josh's head lights he could see the person was a boy no older than himself and he looked out cold. josh knelt down beside the body and put a dainty hand on the shoulder of the boy to try to shake him awake.

"h-hey w-wake up", the teenager shook the boy and when he didn't budge josh went to lean down to listen for a heart beat.

the side of josh's face was now pressed against the boy's chest and he held his breath, desperately hoping to hear a heart beat.

but just when josh was sure the boy was definitely dead a forceful hand wrapped around his throat and flung him onto the bonnet of the car. josh couldn't breathe, all the air had been snatched from him and he gasped for something, anything to fill his lungs.

the yellow hue's eyes widened with absolute terror as he watched the boy who he was sure was dead was now pinning him to the bonnet of the car with an unimaginable strength for a boy his age.

"oh you're a pretty one aren't you", the fluffy brunet headed boy smirked devilishly revealing his gleaming sharp fangs and stared at josh like he was ready to eat him right up.


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