Call #2

399 16 3

"Hello, I'm Kenzie. How are you?"

"Oh, Kenzie. It's Ansle." He lets out a small laugh. "You most likely don't rember."

"Trust me, Ansle. I do."

"How did I get you again?"

"Once you call you get a so called counselor and you keep that counselor."

"Oh,"Ansle scratches the back of his neck not knowing what to say next.

"So how have you been sense the last chat we had?"

"I've been better. I tried killing myself last night." He pauses for a moment. "As you can tell it didn't work. Maybe if I had one more pill or cut deeper."

"What made you take the final step and try to take your life?"

"My dad."

"What happened." She says being uninterested.

"Car accedent. He died on the impact."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear," Kenzie says as she rolls her eyes.

"Don't give me symphy. I don't want it."

Ansle hangs up the phone.

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