Episode 12

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#kookie's POV

After that message I asked everyone to sleep in our room and we of course we are not going to sleep first. Since it is a sleepover.

#Y/n's POV

"Ok let's play spin the bottle" jhope said without waiting for our answers. "If you don't know the rules then i will tell you. A person will spin to decide who the bottle points to. The end of the bottle(the cap) is the person who kiss the other person on the other end of the bottle and by the way if man with man they can just kiss on the cheeks but if man to woman or woman to man they need to kiss on the lips. Rules are simple right?" Jhope explained and asked. "Ok then i will spin first since i am the oldest" jin said. We nodded and he spinned and of course the first one has to be me and jimin. I went over to jimin and peck him on the lips. "Not peck Y/n but kiss. So you need to do it longer. And teh tounge needs to touch each other." Jhope said. "What?!"i rolled my eyes and started to kiss jimin. After a few hours everyone was sleepy and i kissed almost everybody except jin and kookie. We head tp bed and sleep but i can't sleep so after they slept i went to the livingroom of the hotel and i started to play with my phone. I turned on and see my mom's message:

Mom:" Y/n my wedding is in two weeks ok? So after you go back from you mini vacation let's get a dress for you."


Mom:"omo you haven't sleep? It's already 2 o'clock"

Y/n:"you haven't either mom"

Mom:"whatever and you need to have a date for the wedding. And also inform the boys"

Y/n:"ok i will goodnight mom"


I exited the chat and played a game. I heard someone had trouble sleeping. I went to that person and it was kookie. I sat on his bed and stroke his head. He started to smile and sleep soundlessly. The only one who is snoring is rapmon but it wasn't too loud so i didn't really mind. After awhile i slept on kookie's bed since i was sleepy and i was still stroking his head.


I woke up and saw kookie starring at me and my hand was on his chest. We starred at each other for a while until he blushed hard i giggled softly and woke up. I had trouble sleeping since nobody is awake yet and it was only 7 o'clock. When i was about to stand up kookie pulled me down to him again. "what?"i asked him. "I am worried about you" he said softly "what do you mean?"i asked confuse. He pointed to my phone and i guess he means about the message that i got last night. I stroke his head and said "it's fine i'll handle it" "no i want to help you"he said "up to you but if things get dangerous i want you to step out of it and leave me. I don'g want you to be in danger because of me"i smiled to him and he nodded in agreeement. I woke up and took a shower. After i took a shower i went out to see everybody awake except for suga. I mean of course he is the sleeper of the group. Rapmon tried to wake him up. But he declined to get up. They talked whispering something but i can't hear them.

#Rapmon's POV

After i woke up i saw Y/n not on her bed and i guess she is showering. I woke everyone up except jungkook since he is alreafy awake. The last person is suga. "Suga wake up we need to do the finals for the competition"i shook him. "No just go. I already lost anyway so why should i go? And i am tired."he said. I looke at him and said "ok we're going now" and he just nodded. Everybody stood up and V said "Y/n we are going now. Today is the last day we will leave you alone so don't worry we will be with you for tomorrow."he said smiling to Y/n. Y/n nodded. We head out and i saw Y/n whispering to kookie about something. He nodded and he went to us. "What did you guys talked about?"i asked nosily. "Nothing she just want me to tell her why we are doing this after we are done." He said. I said "oh ok" and we head to the beach.

#kookie's POV

~The beach~

We arrived at our destination and today is the final. "Today's title is 'WHO KNOWS Y/N BETTER' "rapmon said. "We have a bunch of question about Y/n since suga helped us to get information about Y/n in the internet and by her daily action" jhope continued. Jin and i nodded and we started the game.

Few hours later

"This is the last question"rapmon said. We were ready to answer. "What time did she woke up today?" Rapmon asked and jin of course don't know since I woke up before Y/n and Y/n woke up before jin. I raised my hand up and answered. "7.02 a.m." I answered with confident. "That is correct"rapmon said. "How did you know?"jhope asked curiously. "It's because i woke up around 5 minuted before Y/n since she was sleeping next to me an-" i was cut by them "SHE SLEPT NEXT TO YOU?!"they shouted in suprised. "I didn't know eaither until i woke up and when she woke up she looked at the time on her phone and it was 7.02." I replied. "Ok i guess the winner is Jungkookie"rapmon said. "Oh no."jin said "what's wrong hyung?"jimin asked. "We left suga alone with Y/n"jin panickly said. "Oh no" we all said and ran to the hotel.

~while they were doing the comepetiotion~

#Y/n's POV

I saw they left without suga. I didn't want to wake him up so i decided to clean and tidy up the place. When i was done, i was going to buy ingridients for me and suga to eat but then someone hugged me from behind and it was suga.

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