Chapter 2 - New friend

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Walking into the dining room was always nerve-wracking. All eyes turn for a split second, it makes me wish a bear would swallow me whole.

I like bears.


There was a new person sitting next to Emma, this evening. He looked a lot like Abe. I didn't like it, but his eyes were nice. Blue and Icy.

"Frey, come sit" Miss Peregrine orders. I make my way over to the empty seat near the twins, making sure Millard isn't near them. Sometimes he likes to eat supper in the nude.

Emma takes a few glances at the Abe look-alike, before looking down at her food.

Half way through tea, Enoch and Olive walk in.

They make their way to the dining table. Olive sits across from me, and Enoch next to me at the end of the table.

"Frey, Enoch, Olive. This is Jake, Abe's grandson." Miss peregrine introduces him, as looks up from his plate and hesitantly smiles.

"Hi Jake" I mumble, pushing around my mashed potatoes.

"Um, h-hey" he answers back.

"Don't talk to her, she already has enough imaginary friends as it is" Enoch snidely comments.

"Why are you so mean?" I reply to his rude comment. Bugsy is obviously not imaginary, I've known him longer than my parents.

"Because you're a stupid girl who keeps herself locked in a room talking to imaginary stuffed animals like a little creep." He spits out.

"Enoch, that is enough!" Miss peregrine narrows her eyes at him.

"Bugsy isn't imaginary, he's real and he talks and he's a better friend than you could ever be!" The sound of my chair scraping against the floor resonates through the room.

The rest of the children sit uncomfortably, waiting for a reaction.

"Both of you, to your rooms, now!" Miss peregrine stands from her seat at the top of the table.

Oh no, she's mad.

"Sorry, miss." I say timidly, walking around the twins to the door on the opposite end.

O'Connor kisses his teeth, and walks past me, making sure to bump shoulders with me.

"Stay out of the basement." He mutters, walking out into the hallway.

Standing in the hallway, I fiddle with my hands, not wanting to go back to my room; knowing that I would have to pass Enoch in the basement, and he always keeps the door open.

"Uh, hey" Someone speaks, the sound echoing in the empty hallway. I was Jake.

"Oh, hello Jacob." I smile sheepishly, slightly embarrassed about what Enoch said about me, to him.

"Frey, right?" He asks, shoving his hands in his pockets, and looking off to the side.


"Well, I'm sorry about what Enoch said about you, I'm sure it's not true." He apologises, though I don't know why; it wasn't his fault.

"It's okay, it happens." My voice trails off awkwardly. He coughs into his weird article of clothing, looking at a large painting next to him.

"Well, you don't have to worry about just speaking to stuffed animals, because you have me to talk to as well; umm if that's okay....with you" He asks with a small smile.

I try hard to fight a grin off my face, not wanting to look like a complete dolt.

"Yes I would like that."

"I don't know why he doesn't like me" I tell bugsy, while staring up at the ceiling. He lays next to me on the bed.

"He doesn't like it when I watch his homunculi." I carry on, grabbing the pillow closest to me and hugging it to my chest.

"Maybe he just doesn't like when you peep, you're kind of creepy when you just stand by the door." Bugsy responds, sighing.

Oh wow, he thinks I'm a creep.

"I didn't know he knew I was there." I cover my face with my hands, as I feel the tips of my ears redden.

"Oh, that's so embarrassing." I hide my face in shame.

"Who cares, he's a no-good sucka, that one." Bugsy informs.

Sometimes I don't know what Bugsy is saying. His accent is so weird.

"Who was the new kid anyways." He pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, him." Jake.

"His name is Jake, he's Abe's grandson. They look a lot alike."

"Abe's kid, huh? He was the only good apple I knew." Bugsy reminisced.

"Miss P says that he has the sight, just like him." I whisper, making sure no one was able to hear us.

"That's good, he know how to hunt?"

"No I don't think so." I answer, thinking about what he was like during supper.

"I like his eyes." I accidentally blurt out. Straight away I cover my mouth, only letting out a small squeak.

"You like his eyes, huh? Anything else you like about him, toots?" I could practically hear the cogs turning, in his stuffed head.

"N-no, stop being ridiculous, I only met him today." I whisper-yell. What if he's walking around the house, and happens to hear out very private conversation.

"So you uh, what's the word, fancy him."

"I-" Something slams against the wall behind us.

"Shut UP!" I hear someone yell faintly, it was Enoch.

What if he heard us talking about him?

"We best head to bed then, bugs." I let my eyes drop to him. I pull the sheets over us, and blow out my candle beside us.


A/n: kinda only writing this because I've nearly finished reading all the Enoch fanfics, I'm in a panic.

Skrt skrt.

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