Chapter 21

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Siya's POV

Everything was set. The decorations, the food, the jewellery, absolutely everything.

This was it.

This was the day my parents thought I was getting engaged, but I wasn't. No way in hell.

I had finally managed to work things out with Jai and accept my real feeling for him, and there was no way in hell I was giving it all up just to please my parents. I had already done so my entire life, and now it was their turn to please me by accepting the man I loved, Jai.

We might have gone through a rough patch, but what mattered was the end result. It was worth it.

I sat in my room in absolute silence, staring at the woman in the mirror ahead of me. When had I become so dull? There were bags underneath my eyes and my pupils lacked life despite the makeup that I had on. My blue Indian garments didn't shine like I had imagined them to on the day of my engagement and the bangles on my hands did nothing but stand out, not as an item of celebration though, as a heavy burden.

This was not how I had imagined it.

There was a short knock on my door, before the door opened and my mother popped her head in.

"Oh good, you're ready. Come downstairs, the Sharma's are here and they want to meet you" she stated simply before walking away.

My heart began pounding, my mind was telling me to run away but I knew I had to face the situation. I couldn't allow myself to get engaged to someone I didn't love. I wouldn't. Jai wouldn't.

Elevating off my seat, I walked down the stairs of my house to greet the family I would soon be disappointing.

It was when I placed my foot through the doors of the living room that I was met with the sight of the family who thought I would be marrying their son. But it was when my eyes fell on the son that my eyes widened.

Any guesses?

All wrong.


Vivek Sharma.

That was his second name.

The guy I met in Glasgow at my aunt's. What the hell was happening right now? Was this the guy I was going to marry? How was it that every time anything happened in my life it was bound to surprise me?

His parents barely even notice my presence in the room, but he did. As soon as his eyes fell on me he smiled, getting up from the couch he had been sitting on, causing everyone's attention to fall on me.

Not wanting to look like an idiot, I walked ahead, approaching the family slowly.

"Vivek, this is my daughter Siya. Although I think you've already met her once" my mother uttered, pushing me forward to shake hands with him.

After I did, I was introduced to his parents, and briefly after, the entire family split up. My parents took Vivek and his family to show them around the house, my brothers went to call Jai for me, and as for me, I grabbed on to my Massi Veda, who had been smirking from the corner of the room all morning and pulled her into the kitchen with me.

"How did this happen Massi?" I asked in frustration. My aunt didn't manage to catch on to my frustration however as she began sending a smirk my way.

"I know right, I'm so glad I told your mother-"

"Wait, you told my mother about Vivek?" I asked in uttermost shock and disbelief.

"Well of course darling, how else was I-"

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