
472 18 6

Honey ♡
owemgeee porrdge you had the
most votes err

Honey ♡
u won omy g

Honey ♡

Honey ♡
like i'm literally jumping rn

Honey ♡
so proud of you porridge

Honey ♡
imma hold a party

Honey ♡
Hahahahaha just kidding

Honey ♡
dude we miss yah here

Honey ♡
aren't u really allowed to use

Honey ♡
even just once?

Honey ♡
i really want you to reply

Honey ♡
so bad

Honey ♡
i hope you're okay there

Honey ♡
and btw, the episode was aired today
and there's this guy

Honey ♡
idk one minion?

Honey ♡
did i hear it right?

Honey ♡
the one in the sorry sorry team

Honey ♡
the one in black suit. the tall guy

Honey ♡
the guy who made the group sorry sorry

Honey ♡
he's so amazing

Honey ♡
and so handsome

Honey ♡
I think i'm falling for him now

Honey ♡
and omo euiwoong oppa

Honey ♡
he's so different now

Honey ♡
he has that idol feel

Honey ♡
so as hyungseob oppa

Honey ♡
but that kim jonghyun guy

Honey ♡
he totally got me

Honey ♡
he's such a nice leader

Honey ♡
and oh. the sungwoo guy!!!

Honey ♡
he's so funny and charming

Honey ♡
there are a lot of good-looking
people in S2

Honey ♡
I'll be watching from then on

Honey ♡

Honey ♡
be safe there porridge

Honey ♡
eat lots

Honey ♡
we'll be waiting until u debut

Honey ♡
reach your dreams

Honey ♡
and please act true. stop acting
cute the hell. hahahaha

Honey ♡
night porridge

Honey ♡

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