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Honey ♡
Hey porridge

Honey ♡

Honey ♡
been a while

Honey ♡
Got so busy at school

Honey ♡
just lol your popularity keeps
rising o.o

Honey ♡
your fans keep asking me if
i'm still talking to you

Honey ♡
both our pics went viral too

Honey ♡
I have bashers :---(

Honey ♡
u dude, u need to stop being adorable.

Honey ♡
u gain a lot of fans

Honey ♡
and it affects me hahahah

Honey ♡
just kidding

Honey ♡
u don't need to worry about me

Honey ♡
I'm doing perfectly fine

Honey ♡
But srsly, i miss you

Honey ♡
sounds and looks cringe

Honey ♡
but true

Honey ♡
I don't even know what u're doing

Honey ♡
or how exactly you're doing

Honey ♡
did u skip your meals again?

Honey ♡
u need to stop working out and
stop the diet

Honey ♡
u don't need those

Honey ♡
u need to stay healthy

Honey ♡
but srsly, r u really okay there? :--(

Honey ♡
i'm getting so emotional

Honey ♡
could you just atleast, open my messages?

Honey ♡
r u ignoring me?

Honey ♡
i know u're not. Definitely not.

Honey ♡
u can't tho

Honey ♡
ha ha ha

Honey ♡
gtg porridge.

Honey ♡
need to rest

Honey ♡
make sure to stay healthy

Honey ♡
Hope u read this

Honey ♡

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