Chapter Four: Long Story Short, I've Been Banned from Wal-Mart

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Disclaimer: The book ended up taking a direction into talking about some self-harm stuff. It delves a tad more into Seren’s past. If you’ve the possibility of being triggered, please just skip to the part where I placed a time gap, marked by three emboldened asterisks. (Luckily for you, you awesome person, I tried to rather seamlessly work in a summary of what you would have missed.)  I do owe it to some people to say that, as lame as it sounds. Enjoy the weirdness nao. :)

"Aaah, I'm gonna have to take a picture of this."

My head rose off of the squishy thing beneath me before my eyes even opened. Whatever I lay above moved a tiny bit. I cracked an eye open, then the other. I instantly squinted and groaned at the sunlight. As my eyes adjusted to the brilliant beams streaming through the window, I looked around. The thing squirming beneath me was Cheyanna. She looked around with the same reaction I’d had. I looked down at her. "Good morning, beautiful," I purred.

"Oh, shut up," she snapped. "And get off of me." Her hair was so tangled and knotted it looked like it would be painful once the time to brush it would come. Last night's makeup stained her face with raccoon eyes and smudges here and there. I rolled off her, only to be met with something else pushing and shoving me off it with squeals and barks of agitation.

It was Quinland.

I situated myself in a place between Cheyanna and Quinland and laughed as I looked at her. She was rubbing her face and trying to sit up, not really succeeding at either. Cheyanna rolled up to a sitting position on my other side. "You sat on my face!" Quinland glared at me.

"I didn't know you were right there," I shrugged. I rubbed my right eye with my hand, and then my left, and when I gazed back at my hands they were smeared with charcoal stains. I licked my dry lips and looked over to Cheyanna, who rested her head in her hands. "What time is it?" I inquired in a raspy voice.

"Mm," she half-mumbled, half-moaned, raising her head long enough to check her watch. "'Bout ten even."

My mouth opened a tad bit in surprise. "We have to get moving. The shop's probably already full—“

"Nah," Kres interrupted, forcing me to remember he was in the room, "after a while down there by myself I closed 'er up and thought I'd see what was up. Now I do..." he trailed off, taking no initiative to turn the comment sexual. He probably figured that after the previous day it was a bit too soon.

Quinland groaned, "Ugh. That's going to hurt us." She rolled off my bed and stood, wobbled for a second as she got her bearings, and ran her fingers through her hair.

I shook my head. "I doubt it'll incapacitate us—today’s Friday, so we'll still have some pretty decent business."

She exhaled gustily and exited the room, shaking her head. Moments before I heard the click of my apartment door being shut, she called to us her plan of taking a quick shower and heading down to the parlor. Cheyanna, Kres, and I all agreed we'd meet each other down there in about an hour, and they soon ventured out of my apartment, Kres bragging about how he snapped a picture of the mess of limbs and other body parts that had been sprawled out on my bed.

Despite the disheveled appearance of its inhabitants, my apartment, when I stepped outside my bedroom, was nearly the way it usually was. There were more blankets than normal lying strewn carelessly about on my couch, and Quinland and Cheyanna's bags caught my eye. One blue and black and one red and white with an Oklahoma Sooners logo, they were piled near the TV stand, instead of resting where I last saw them. It was no problem that they'd forgotten them on their way out, for I'd drop them off at their respective apartments this evening, if not earlier.

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