Chapter Eight

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Best years of your life huh? Yeah, these are the golden years. I walk in with Grandma at my side and the usual criticism begins. People stare at me and depict me down to my DNA already making assumptions before I look at them. Nothing has changed about high school. As I walk into the principal office, I take note of how big this school is. So many walls full of lockers and steps and doorways. The building itself is a quarter of a skyscraper and it has 5 different departments for sports, or art, or grade levels. I'll get lost just trying to find a bathroom or a water fountain.

"Hello, Amelia is it?" says the principal.

"Yes , Amelia " says Grandma.

I nod and shake her hand. We walk into her office and she hands me my schedule. 10 periods for 35 minutes each of Social Studies , Math, English, Art, Gym, Psychology, Science, Lunch, Study Hall, and Theatre.

"Do I have to take all of these classes?" I ask

"Here at Springfield we like to have all our students enter their first year with as much choice as possible. We want each student to try as many classes as possible to make sure they have a full understanding at what most interests them by their senior year. Now since the year is half over and you are already a senior, we will let you change your classes when you would like, but we encourage you to at the least try this schedule for a week or two as a trial" she says

I nod and walk off to my first period as Grandma stays behind to finish my enrollment and sign some more papers. So many people are surrounding me, I should've walked out after everyone was already in class. A girl with a shirt to show her stomach and a skirt to show off her mid thighs walks over to me. Her face has obviously way too much make up and her hair way too many extensions.

"Hi, I'm Bella! Are you the new girl everyone's talking about??" she asks. Her honey blonde hair flips and she takes of the glasses to show her pretty bluish or greenish eyes.

"Everyone's talking about me? I've been here for only 20 minutes" I say.

"Hey, word flies around fast here at Springfield. Plus, it's not everyday we get someone new here to persuade to stay" says Bella.

"Persuade me to stay here?"

"Yes, and I couldn't see why you wouldn't want to, it's gorgeous up here and I'm sure you haven't even seen it all yet!"

"No, I haven't"

"Then come on! I'll walk you to your first class!".

It takes about 7 minutes just to get to first period because we had to shove through all these people and walk up at least five sets of stairs. Bella strolls in pulling me along with her through the door and all eyes turn to me.

" Well, looky here. Bella's already found another her" says one boy.

"So this is why we we're all called in! To play in another part of some girls life! I've got better things to do!" shouts another boy.

"All of you shut up, you know what the boss wanted us to do and this our job and we owe it to the boss to respect his wishes. And if any of you dare ruin this experience for Amelia I will personally--" says Bella.

"Personally what Bella?! Kill us all!?" shouts another.

The entire class laughs and I really don't see why, I mean, why would anyone want to die here. Bella pulls me down in a seat next to her and puffs her breath.

A blonde haired boy with brown eyes and lots of freckles comes over to Bella and kisses her cheek.

"Ignore em Babe, you're doing the right thing here. Boss picked the right person for this job" he says.

Bella's wipes away her tears and smiles. He walks up to me and offers out a hand.

"Hey, I'm Brandon, Bella's boyfriend" he says. I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you" I say. He smiles and goes back to his seat across from Bella. The teacher begins his lesson , but I drain him out. In fact, I don't think I ever even got his name. All I could keep thinking about was what they meant. Who's boss? What did that one kid mean about playing some part in my life? What's wrong with these people?!. "No homework tonight, class dismissed" says the teacher. I was out as quickly as possible , Bella following behind. Somehow, someway, I manage to find my own way to the next class with only two wrong turns. I quickly take a seat and the two boys who yelled out in the last class sit in front of and behind me.

"So Amelia, why are you here?" asks the tall , muscular, dreamy green eyed boy. Bella quickly takes a seat to my left and Brandon follows closely behind to sit in front of her. "Jared, don't!" yells Bella,but Brandon objects to her. "No, we need to find some things out about her" he says. Bella gives him a scowl and curses under her breath, but Brandon remains calm and holds her hand.

"So what is it Amelia? Why are you here?" asks Jared again. I debate whether I want to tell the truth or not, so I tell half the truth.

"My parents divorced and my mother didn't want me in the house (this parts true). She tried to be really nice to me , but I could see she was devastated after the divorce.( Still not lying). She sent me to live with my Grandma in the middle of the school year and my Grandma didn't want me to miss the rest of the school year, so she enrolled me here( Lie )" I say.

"Bullsh-" says Jared.

"Jared! shut up!" says the boy in front of me. He turns around and I am practically blinded by him. He has a this hair that flows on his head of these soft browns and these eyes that just stare into you. They're hazel with specks of ocean like blues, wonder where he got those from. I gulp down saliva and say hello.

"Hey, I'm Mark" he says.

"Mark, I'll remember you" I say.

"Ooh someone has a crush!" says one girl with cherry red hair and mud brown eyes.

"Amelia this is Cheryl" says Bella

"Hi Cheryl" I say.

She's short and cute, looks like one of those girls you'd see walking around with the popular girls as a helper. I quickly realize that's wrong. Once class begins, Cheryl knows every answer to the questions and the popular girls in the back just look at her in disgrace. She's a nerd, a pretty little nerd. I like nerds. This social studies class is pretty sub par, nothing I don't already know for the most part. After class Cheryl flies off to AP Math and Jared goes off to remedial math downstairs.

"Hey , Amelia. Brandon and I got Study Hall next, but Mark can show you to your next class okay?" asks Bella.

"Okay, thanks Bella" I say.

"Anyways, Marks a good guy, and we'll all be back together at the end of the day for Theatre class" says Brandon. Brandon and Bella walk out class hand in hand leaving just Mark and I.

"You need help carrying anything?" asks Mark.

"Oh no, I'm fine" I say. I stick to his side like glue as we walk down the hallways. I can feel people staring at me and I just want to hide behind Mark's big exterior.

"Just ignore them" he says. He holds his head up high with his football jacket on and walks with a smile, I try to do the same. Out of nowhere, a hand reaches out to my waist and pulls my side onto them. I am inches away from some boy's face and he whispers , "Hey Sweetheart". Lucas immediately pops into my head and I lose it.

" DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT YOU CREEP! " I scream. I turn around to run but am instead met by Mark's chest.

"What the hell man!?" shouts Mark. He pushes the boy up against the locker and makes him apologize.

"Alright Alright big boy, I'll say sorry to you're little tramp" he says.

"TRAMP?!" I yell. I run up to him ready to nearly kill him when Marks arms wrap around my waist to hold me back. I squirm and scream. No one holds me by my waist, no one but Lucas. I run into the girls bathroom and sob in one of the stalls. Best day ever. Another flashback returns.

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