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// unexpected //

"Haeri! How's the drama?" a friendly classmate run to Haeri as she reach class, excited that Haeri is in that class.

"Umm.. Nothing much.. The characters will be told next class. We did introductions only and get to know each other since we'll be friends for some time." dhe replied after thinking hard.

"Oh.. Well, did you get to see Rowoon and his guy?" the girl seemed so interested about Haeri's experience so why not? "I did, he sat a few rows behind me.. and also get to see every actor and actresses of the school eye to eye.." Haeri replied, making other girls squeal all over the place.

A girl then push the friendly one aside, "Any interesting scene?"

"Umm.. i don't know but- Hyerim the queenka pushed me off a staircase and a guy manage to catch me on the right time-" They then scream again. "Like, what does he looks like?" they then started to push each other aside.

A boy then comes in with a gang of his, making other classmates froze in silence while the girls around Haeri fangirls. "Yah Rowoon, you sure what you're doing?" Inseong, one of the gangs said to the tall boy.

Rowoon then walk up to the crowded place, reaching for Haeri but was pushed and cut off by a well built manly figure of a guy that reached first for Haeri. "Umm Haeri一"

"Haeri-ssi." Haeri and the girls then look up at the sight of a chest and the deepass voice owner, surprised that a guy calls for her.

Haeri then smile back at her fangirling classmates and point at the guy. "Like this."

Other girls squealed like crazy and fangirled, hitting each other.

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