Chapter Fourteen

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As the ceremony commenced, RC forced herself to ignore the pointed grins that Jordan was giving her and rather concentrate on the ceremony itself. But it was hard. Difficult hard. Pluck out an eyebrow hair hard. Try not to look at a gorgeous guy trying to get her attention hard. Like really hard.

She avoided his eyes for as long as she could, her heart still hammering in the least normal or ordinary way possible.

She nearly missed hearing the vows. That's how preoccupied she was. And to be honest, she, without any hesitation whatsoever, blamed Jordan Brooks. There must have been a rule somewhere that prohibited dudes as hot as him from cleaning up that good. Who permitted him to wear that tuxedo?

Because RC was sure that that amount of gorgeous was not allowed.

As the ceremony ended, RC accompanied the newlyweds to the limousine and they all drove to West Road Park, where the Lunch reception was being held.

The park had been set up beautifully. White decorations hung down from the trees, and the fountain had been cleaned up to look good as new. Tables had been laid within the numerous gazebos at the park, and conveniently kept out the harsh noon sun's heat and glare.

The bride and groom cut their simple three tier wedding cake and lunch was served. RC could see her grandmother shouting at one of the waiters for more and more booze. In fact, everyone seemed to be letting loose. A live band played in one of the smaller gazebos while people bold enough to deal with embarrassment danced in a shaded part of the lawn.

RC sat at a table with her cousins and ate lunch. She looked around for Jordan but was unsuccessful. He was probably seated at a table with his side of the family.

RC quickly abandoned her cousins' gossipy conversation and made her way towards the fountain instead. Jordan soon caught up with her.

"Hi you." He ran one hand through his hair and stuffed the other into his trousers pocket.

"Hi me." RC replied lamely, leading him away from the buzzing wedding party. RC's grandmother was already a little tipsy.

"Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you."

"Is that so?" RC turned and regarded him with mild amusement.

"Very much so."


"A couple of reasons, biggest one that you look like a proper girl today." He winked at RC humourously. "I almost didn't recognize you in that dress."

"Shut up," RC punched Jordan, grinning. Her heart was floating. "What did you want to tell me?"

"A few things."

"Well, go on then."

"Can I just start by how beautiful you look today?"

"Thanks, but no." RC smiled a small smile. "Why not start with how you didn't say a thing about being Joe's brother?"

"So you have nothing to say for how hot I look?"

RC chuckled and punched him on the chest. "Not a word." She was secretly evaporating. That's how past the melting stage she was.

"And to think I made all this effort," Jordan sighed in mock disappointment. "This tie, which is choking me, by the way, these too new to be comfortable shoes…"

"You're quite good at evading the questions I ask, but not that good."

"What questions, madame?"

"How could I not know you're Joe's brother?" RC crossed her arms at her chest. "You guys don't even look alike in the least."

"Yeah, surprise surprise. At least you noticed how I took all the good looks genes and left him with bits and scraps."

"Jordan!" RC was appalled.

"What?" He replied defensively. "You just said so yourself."


Jordan cocked his head to the side and smirked. "Well?"

"Uh…" RC wanted to ask him, the question that had plagued her all night long, but she was afraid the playful boy before her would disappear into a brooding fog of secrets and she didn't feel like she was ready to loose him just yet.

"What's up?"

"Well I figured out the rumours," RC started instead, going for the first thing she could think of. "And I think the chicken one is definitely a huge lie."

Jordan laughed. "Really?"

"Obviously. Why would you pluck all the feathers off a live chicken unless you have a personal vendetta against that species of animals?"

Jordan shrugged. "What else?"

"Well there's the slightest of possibilities that you probably have drunk your body's weight of beer, but the cocaine rumour I don't buy, because I've never actually seen you at church, any church."

Jordan roared with laughter. "Really RC. Thanks for analysing my entire existence in a matter of seconds."

"So tell me, is the juvey one true?" RC peered at Jordan who was eyeing her with a look that can only be described as fond. RC felt her cheeks heat up under his gaze. Suddenly, her shoulders felt a little too bare.

Jordan did not respond. Instead, he just kept looking at her.

"Well?" RC cleared her throat.

Jordan took a loose lock of RC's hair into his fingers and brushed it softly, watching it fall over her shoulder. Somewhere between their conversation, he had stepped closer to RC.

A little too close.

"Would you like me any less if it was?" He asked, his voice just louder than a whisper.

"No," RC whispered back, feeling like she was being held spellbound under a trance. Somewhere deep in her chest, her heart was speeding dangerously.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." RC replied without a second's hesitance.

"Because it's true." His fingers were now getting interlocked with RC's. "I punched principal Duvall and broke his jaw."

"You must really pack a punch. Remind me to never be on the receiving end of one of those."

Jordan smiled a hint of a smile. "You never will be RC, you never will be." He looked into her eyes. "You're much too special to be treated that way, you just don't know it."

RC felt her breath catch in her throat. "I…" she cleared it softly. "So are you going to tell me why you punched principal Duvall?" She was highly aware that Jordan could probably hear her racing heart.

That's how close they were standing.

Jordan smiled sadly. RC could feel his breath on her face. She plucked up the courage to look up into his eyes. She almost died when she saw the pain flashing in them.

"I did it because of Leah."


This is late, I'm sorry 🙈

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