chapter 1

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The twinkling lights of New York gleamed like eyes, watching, waiting. I'm not a coward I though  menacingly,  to no-one in particular. I'm not just going to let them hunt me like some fucking animal from waterhole to waterhole. I look at the rippling grey hole in the wall. Sinister sounds came from behind it. So far I hadn't scraped the courage together to make the next jump. I knew I needed to, and fast before the að Auga caught up with me. I had become careless, leaving trails were I shouldn't, leaving scent on people when I shouldn't. He was bound to find me. And then, he would know I haven't b searching.                                                                                                                   

Don't think about her, not now, not here Hadraniel. You cant afford to, anguish leaves its own mark, has its own toxic scent. Every emotion you feel, every passing feeling leaves its mark. That's why we feel nothing. See no beauty, seek no love, feel no comfort. I suck in my breath, and jump.

On the other side, there's four chairs placed in a loose circle around a fire, I could feel the warmth from here. I wonder where I am, I've never used this waterhole before. I paced to the chairs, a sudden shot of anger consuming me, rushing red hot to my brain. I could feel my shoulder blades tingling, pins and needles shooting through them. It had been happening more and more lately. I dared not hope, it was a distant dream. And only that. A sudden movement caught my eye, a bellowing curtain. I walked to the window and looked out, or down, to be more exact. I was in what appeared to be some kind of Rapunzel's tower. It was made out of moss covered bricks. And by the looks of it, its should have crumbled years ago ,preferably when Rapunzel left. I couldn't see the ground, mist blanketed it. Smothering. There was no way out,but down.

* authors note *

Hadraniel is the first of the seven angels in this series,he is the angle of eternal love. I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing and short. but it will all make sense later. promise. xx K.

TRANSLATIONS --að Auga - the eye.

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