The Girl With The Blue Eyes

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Chapter 2: Get A Move On

Xian's POV

This is the first time Carla got bullied. And I'm not liking it, I don't like to see my bestfriend in the world getting trampled up by fake sluts and arrogant guys. So I swear by my life, I am going to be by her side all the time to wear off those evil bullies.

"Xian, why do you hang out with me?"

"Why me? Why a lose-"

Her words really make me just want to hug her tight and never let go. Of course I love hanging out with her, she's amazing. She's the only girl I can act natural with, the only girl I can tell dirty jokes and won't act like I'm the most perverted guy in the world. She's, she's just perfect. Well, that is if your definition of perfect is brown hair, blue eyes and a pair of dark blue Converse.

I reached Carla's house and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard Margaret shout. "Its me, Xian." the door opened and revealed a middle aged woman that I see a lot. "Hi, Margaret!" I greeted happily. "Hi sweetheart, but Carla isn't here. She's at school. Shouldn't you be there too?" "Oh, um, I came to get her some dry clothes. There was, rain and she came to school soaking wet." "I told that young woman to bring an umbrella. So stubborn." she gestured me in and closed the door behind her. "Her room is upstairs, if you still remember. You haven't been here all summer." "Komenasai, I went to visit my family, out of the country." I live alone, in a large apartment. I usually just bring home girls that I- sorry. "Komenasai?" "Oh, I meant sorry. Haha!" "You and your small Japanese words. So cute."

I walked upstairs and entered her room. I opened her closet and woah, there's many hot clothes in here, why doesn't she wear these? I grabbed a pair of white, tattered looking shorts and a cream colored pullover I saw. I also brought her legendary worn out dark blue Converse and some underwear..then I put them all in a Guess paperbag I just spotted.

I faced the mirror and fixed my shaggy blonde hair (its like blonde, but darker), Its my habit to gussy up infront of mirrors. Carla always tell me I'm so caught up in myself but come on, who wouldn't be when your this gorgeous? Damn, I'm almost like Tamaki from Ouran Host Club. I'm about to walk out when I spotted a familiar white teddy bear, I grabbed it and stared at it. Oh! This is the bear I gave to her on her birthday 3 years ago. I can't believe she still has this. I put it back and got out of her overly turquoise room.

"Margaret, I'm leaving okay!" I can't see her so I just shouted throughout the house. "Okay honey, I'm in the kitchen. Just lock the door when you leave!" I locked the door behind me and walked back to school.

After 7 minutes of sprinting....

"Charlalu!" I shouted from a distance. "What took you so long? I'm so sticky already!" "Sorry, I also brought along your shoes, and some underwear." "G-good thinking" she replied awkwardly. "So, uh, I'm gonna go to class..." "Okay, I'll see you at lunch!" she chirped then walked back to the school building. I just shook my head and went to class too.

Carla's POV

*riiiing* I got up from my seat and headed to Math, a class I have with Cason Michaels. My heart almost pounded out of my chest due to nervousness as I sat down on my usual seat. About 5 minutes later, Cason entered the room, and I tried to act like I didn't care he is there. I put my head down, maybe he won't see me....

"You. Carla Capp, right?" I slowly put my head up, and nodded nervously. "You owe me." Shit, what? Well duh, of course you owe him, you broke his 'effin camera, who knows how much that is? "I'll just p-pay it off gradually." he just shook his head and sat on a chair in the back. What's wrong with just paying for it? I just dismissed it and concentrated on Ms. Simmons, our Math teacher.

I can really feel someone digging a hole in my head with his stare. I looked at the back, and so proves my theory, Cason is glaring at me like he wants to just stab me in the face with the pen he's holding. I tried to smile at him, but his grip on the pen strenghted and it broke in half. Damn, why did I even broke his camera and got on his bad side? I could've just let him take the pictures, publish them in the school newspaper, and probably hide in embarassment for a couple of months, right? Wrong.

I just want my old life back, just being invisible to people like Cason, just being known for smartness in the classroom, and being myself only to Xian. Talking about Xian, what's with him today? I passed him by the corridoe earlier, and its like he didn't see me, but he did, I saw him look at me. I am so going to interrogate him later.

After class...

*riiiiing* I got up and went to the cafeteria to eat lunch, because god I'm starving. I looked around, trying to find Xian, and he's standing by the door, looks like he just got here. I smiled and called out to him, "Xiaaan!". And oh, the look on his face is priceless, I don't even know if he's scared or weirdly happy with the smile plastered on his face. I ran to him and he just stood there completely still and silent. "What the hell is wrong with you?" "N-nothing, its just, about the clothes I got from your house, the time I said I brought you, um u-underwear." That's what all this shit about avoiding me is about? "Oh Xian, you little awkward shit. That's nothing, come on I'll buy you lunch." "Wow, so all I do to get free lunch is this? Great!"

Cason's POV (ohh hottie)

That bitch thinks she can just throw her money at me in place of my  camera that she broke? Hell no, she isn't gonna get away with this. That camera, is very precious to me. Its the only thing my late father left me, its the only thing that reminds me of him, and she non chalantly fucking broke it. And hell, after all that, she smiles at me?! Damn!

I threw away the pen that I broke in half and made my way to the cafeteria. "Hey Cason." Christian greeted as I sat on our usual lunch table. "That girl is gonna get it, isn't she?" "Brad, that girl is a girl." I raged at this. "That camera is so important to me, she doesn't know anything! She fucking doesn't know anything...". My eyes were brimming with tears so I got up and ran, no way I'm crying here.

"Watch it, jerk!" I shouted at the person who bumped me and spilled..milk? All over me. "Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and- holy shit." This girl again? "You again?! Why are you the cause of my burdens?" I just looked at her and she did the same, I suddenly felt water coming out of my eyes. No, she can't see me all weak like this! "Get outta the way, bitch." I pushed her away and she fell on her butt. "Ouch! You asshole!" Okay, I just snapped.

"I'm the asshole? No, you're the asshole! You didn't even say a sincere sorry! You don't know what that camera means to me! You are one big arrogant bitch!" I felt her palm connect to my face, she didn't just slap me. "You..." I slapped her hard and she fell on the floor. I just slapped a girl, wow. "I, I said sorry..." I glanced over her and her lip was bleeding. "Whatever, just don't show yourself to me. I might just kill you already." We really made a scene here, because everyone around us is murmuring and whispering to each other. Great, so I'm the bad guy because I hit a bitch? Ha-ha.

I actually never hit a girl yet, this is the first time. And I seriously wanted it to be the last. "Hey." she called again. Hmm, seems this won't be the last time.


Sooo? Cason isn't really the guy who hits people all the time, only when he's very pissed.

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