The Girl With The Blue Eyes

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Chapter 1: Its Nice To Meet You

Carla's POV

"Hi, miss. Nice bunny slippers." I just frowned at the cute blonde guy I always see at school,  but never talk to. I looked around, and when I saw that everybody around me is already  laughing hysterically, I ran. I ran as fast and as far as I can. "Ms. Bunny slippers, where 'ya off to? Hahaha!" "Stop! You bitch!" I just ignored everything and kept running, but because life isn't fair, I tripped on a stone and fell in a puddle.

Damn, how did this even happen?


I opened my eyes, taking in the beautiful sunlight coming from my window. I leaned to my right and sighed, I have to get up already or I'll be late. Come on body, please get up, I can't go to school with just my brain. I glanced at my small clock and it caused me to jump out of my sheets. "Shit! I'm late, oh no I have to go!" I mumbled as I jumped into a pair of dark blue jeans and a white band shirt. (who is this band anyway?) "Shoes, shoes, shoes." Damn, where are my shoes!

I closed my eyes and sighed. I'll just change to my gym shoes when I get to school, for the mean time..I looked at my turquoise bunny slippers and groaned. "Whatever." I sighed and ran downstairs. "Mornin' honey." "Morning mom, bye!" I ran out of my house quickly, the school bus must have left already. "Bring an umbrella, Carla!" I glanced up and the sky is beautifully blue. "No need mom!"

5 minutes later...

*thunder thunder* Mom was right, it is going to rain, I just have to hurry,  I'm almost there. The rain started pouring and I started running faster. *squeak squeak* Oh no, my slippers! Shit, I totally hate my life right now! I opened the front door of my school, not caring about the people staring, laughing and pointing. I also didn't care if my cute slippers are wet and are making a squishy sound. *see sarcasm*

"Oh look, its little Ms. Know-It-All." Heather, the most popular bitch-I mean girl- at school and her two blonde friends laughed in unison. I just tried to get past them but they blocked the way. I hate bullies, they always try to get the best of you. "Cason, Brad, guys come here!" Heather called flirtingly at the group of boys walking towards our direction. "Cason, you work for the school newspaper, right?" the guy just nodded in reply."Publish this failure in your newspaper." she ordered. "And, the payment will be..?" Heather smiled knowingly at this guy named Cason. " Tonight, at my house." she said as she ran her hand down Cason's body.

He took out his camera and started snapping photos of me. "Please, no stop." He just laughed at me, so I grabbed his camera and smashed it on the wall. "What the hell? You bitch!" Why did I do that? "Sorry! Oh my god!" I shouted as I ran out the first door I saw, which led me out to the back of the school. "You bitch! You smashed my camera! Christian, block her!" This blonde guy got in my way and smiled. "Hi, miss. Nice bunny slippers."


This blonde guy appeared infront of me again with a grin plastered on his face. "Need some help?" I just glared at him and put my face down. "I hate my life, I hate you too." Tears fell down from my eyes, I don't like crying, its like proving that you're sad, or miserable. But its true, I am miserable. I continued just laying there and crying until I felt someone grabbed my hair. "Ahh! Let go, please!" "That camera is fucking important to me, and you smashed it in a second?!" "Sorry, please.." I said while sobbing. "Cason, stop. Even if she destroyed your camera, she's still a girl." The blonde guy standing infront of me sternly said. "You will pay for this, you bitch." he said before he let go of my hair. I sighed, then I stood up and wiped my tears.

"Why did you break his camera?" his sudden question surprised me. " He, he was trying to take pictures of me, looking like a piece of shit, to publish in the newspaper." he shook his head and offered me his handkerchief, which I took. "I'm Christian, return that to me tomorrow, okay?" he smiled, and for a second there, it looked sincere, but it just quickly turned into a playful one. "Yeah, I'm Carla, thanks." he nodded and put his hands in his pockets and walked back to the school.

Man, all this happened because I woke up late.

Oh, right. I fell in a stupid puddle and I'm all dirty. I wiped my face with the blue handkerchief, my arms and hands too. I'll really have to wash this thoroughly later.

"Charlalu!" Okay, only one person calls me that name. "Xian, hey. Stop calling me Charlalu, do I look like a white cat who can fly?" This guy is just so obsessed with this anime Fairy Tail, and by faith, my name is similar to a white cat in that show."No, but you do look like a wet dog." "Xian, why do you hang out with me?" I asked, looking at my dirty bunny slippers. "The real question is, why won't I hang out with you, and there's no answer to that." he replied as he lifted my chin with his soft hands. "I mean, I know we can relate with anime and stuff. But seriously, look at you! You look like a fucking god. You can hang out with popular people and they wont mind, so why me? Why a loser-" he covered my mouth with his hand, and I slapped it away quickly. "The hell?"

"You are not a loser. Don't ever think like that." I just nodded in response and realized I am dripping wet. "So, help me get a change of clothes? I can't come home. Mom can't see me like this." Mom will get so worried if she knew I was suddenly getting bullied. "I'll get them for you, and you" he pulled me to one of the bleachers and forced me down. "will wait here for me, okay?" I nodded and he started walking, until I can't see him anymore.

This, is definitely the worst 'effing day of my life.


First chapter is up! Okay, not even sure if anybody will read this, but I really like writing, it takes my mind off things. So, to those who actually read it, thanks. And if you can see, I have a thing for anime. Haha!

So, please read, vote and comment. Arigato gozaimasu!

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