Wind god unchained

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50 years ago.

the king of our beloved kingdom "THE KINGDOM" was sent to earth.

to deliver god's justice.

back then we were all living in caves eating whatever the ground gave us.

plants, warms and grass.

He came and he taught us how to light fire.

How to walk.

How to speak.

How to be who we are.

He used to walk among us. but when he thought it was time he left us, living in his castle

the paradise that we built for him with out own hands.

were he lived with his nobles.

for 50 years no one has seen the king.


not even his generals

hell the castle is mostly empty.

hollow halls of stone.

just the occasional noble man and his company taking a stroll the.

And no one ever asked about it

no one ever wondered where the king went.

50 years

it's not a long time

someone must remember something

but all the elders were taken to the church one day.

to get their blessings from the priests they said.

and ever since every man and woman over 50 never spoke again.

And yet no one ever asked.

Why am i following this father.

this false father and his false gods.

my feet are taking me to that throne room.

as if all these hanged men weren't enough.

as if that village i burned, that muddied village wasn't enough.

rain fell.

endless rain started falling.

winds started blowing.

the fire on the hill lit again.

the hanged men arose from their death.

and my sword shattered.

the cold breeze engulfed my body.


Rushing through the empty halls i yelled and shouted:


it seemed like an eternity, for ever running , all that rage came out of no where.

i never had morals, fuck morals.

i was always selfish so why now ?

-Yes you shall my king, you shall deliver justice.

there in that throne room.

i found them.

my horsemen. from the pillaged village

my soldiers. my hanged army men


The feeling of cold steel piercing my body going through my heart woke me up from that day dream.

there i bled while every one watched me.

they all died because of me.

i got them hanged i burned their village i raped their children.

but it felt good

i felt alive doing it

i don't regret it

there is no fucking king

it's just us

people of "THE KINGDOM" in our muddy lands.

silliping away, fading into darkness i felt a a strong urge to live pushing me towards the earth

my blood turned white as it froze

and my mind cleared.

i have to find the false gods

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