Was it just a dream?

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I'm not tired.
I'm not one bit sleepy.
I'm not hurting cuz I miss you.
I'm not thinking about you.
I'm not writing this for the sake of pretending you're here with me.....

I'm sad because you're not by me,
I can't see you.
I can't feel you.
I can't hear you.
I can't taste your kiss.
I can't do anything....

As I think of you,
I long to be by you,
I long to be in your arms asleep,
I long to be alone with you.
I long to be in your embrace and feeling your lips against mine......

As I slowly fall asleep,
I see you approach me slowly,
I feel you gather me in your arms.
I hear your every breath.
I taste your lips against mine.

As you kiss me,
I feel my pulse increase.
I hear my breathing pick up.
I taste every kiss you give.
I see you moving down towards my throat.

Then I open my eyes,
I don't see you anymore.
I don't feel you anymore.
I don't hear you anymore.
I don't taste your lips against mine anymore.

"Was it just a dream?"
"Why did it seem so real?"
"Is someone playing a trick on me?"
"Am I going insane from missing you?"

Am I truly going insane from missing you............?
Am I going insane from not seeing you.........?
What is happening to me....?
Am I just going insane....?

I sit in my bed pondering what just happened.
I see a shadow move across my line of sight.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."
A voice said in the darkness.

"Should I trust you....?"
I whispered back.
"You should know who I am."
The darkness responded.
"No, I don't know who you are."
I said back to the darkness.

You can trust me...... It's me..... Your boyfriend.............
I hear the voice say in my head.
"Michael..............? How did you get in my room?"
You should go back to sleep.......

"But I'm not tired.......(yawns)"
Yes you are tired, let me help you sleep........
You walk over and start to kiss me slowly.
Then I fall asleep in your arms.

This isn't a dream,
This is reality.
For I can hear your every breath.
I can see your face.
I can taste your every kiss.
I can feel your every movement.

I can finally let go.
I can finally be by you.
I can finally spend forever with you.
I can finally get away from reality.
I can finally say that I belong to you.

I can finally say that I'm no longer alone.
I'm no longer lost.
I'm no longer waiting for someone.
I'm no longer afraid of showing myself to you.
I can finally say that this is not a dream, this is reality.

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