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I take a moment to look at his features. Even while sleeping he has the most serious expression. It's almost comical that he sleeps curled up in fetal position when he's such a serious man. I touch the back of my hand to his forehead. His temp was slowly going down after healing overnight but he still hadn't woken up yet after fainting from pushing himself too hard last night. His body was still covered in bruises. I look to the bed over and find the boy they brought in last night named Jonathan was still unconscious too. He looked exactly like Richard when he was younger.

I go back to looking at Richard and start to change out the multiple bandages on his chest as I lay him on his back. I never looked at him the way I looked at him now. Every muscle on his chest was so clearly defined and he had not a single hair. I look at his face the soft defines had a cute ruggedness to them. A deep purple wound had formed on his cheek where there was a deep scratch last night. He has such perfect features and he was so good looking. He was just perfect. Why would he say all those things to me last night? Why does he want to be with someone like me? Or maybe he wasn't serious and was just saying those things to make me feel better.

"I wasn't." Richard suddenly groans and I take a step back from him. He sits up then suddenly starts to throw up into the trash bin next to his bed. I rush to his aid and hold his hair back. When it stops I help him ease back into the bed. He wipes his mouth and turns the other way. I grab a blanket and tuck it in around him. He touches my hand and gently intertwines his fingers with mine. "Thank you." He says in a hoarse whisper and I pull away. "No problem." I quickly reply and try to gather myself to stop my heart from beating so fast. "I'm sorry, did I do something? While I was asleep?" he asked and look at him meeting those soft light grey eyes I've been wanting to look at all night. "No? Why?" I knew why he was asking. He only sighs. There was an awkward silence. "Please tell me you didn't hear my thoughts." I mumble while too embarrassed to know. "If it makes you feel better I can lie and tell you no." He says and snuggles the blanket up to his chin. "I never knew I had a cute ruggedness. Why ruggedness? I shave." He says and laughs a little. "But you were already thinking of that too." He says and I just put my head in my hands. I can read other people's thoughts but if I let my walls down it can go both ways and they can read my thoughts too. I just want to curl up into a ball and die. I try to get up but I suddenly feel Richards heavy arms wrap around my shoulder and he holds me against him. I fell a small twinge of electricity go through me and can't help but smile. "What I means to say before throwing up, was that I wasn't just telling you those things to make you feel better. So stop. And I do want you. I want to be with you. I don't know exactly why just yet but all I know is that everything always seems to be okay as long as you're around." He mumbles softly with his lips just touching my ear. I wonder if he ever said these things to Victoria. "You know, you should really start asking me these questions out loud instead of just thinking them and allowing me to read them." He says and I look at him startled. I had never seen this side of him.

He seemed so relaxed and happy. He was usually uptight and serious which caused me to be anxious about dating him, if I even was dating him. "I'm wondering where this new Richard has been hiding all along. You're not usually like this. You seem..." He finishes my thought. "Seem what? Relaxed? Somewhat humorous? Yeah you know the whole super serious team leader Richard is a front? At least I would hope. And I have a feeling that's not what you were thinking but okay." he says and leans back little bit to gently caress my cheek which was covered in stitches but for some reason I got the feeling he just didn't care. "You were thinking about if I ever said these things to Victoria. And that would be a no. I'm talking to you from the heart alright. Give me a little credit here." He says and I can't help it but smile. "Ahh there she is, my beautiful girlfriend has allowed me to coax her from her shell." he says and leans back again. "So I'm suddenly your girlfriend now? You don't ask, you don't even say please. Just suddenly throw me into the girlfriend realm?" I say, kind of angered that he would assume I would say yes. "Fine then, you can be my fiancee." he says and I hit him in the shoulder. "What? No that's not how this works!" I yell at him and he just squeals a little with pain from the bruise I just hit. "Oh no I'm so sorry," he waves my hand away. "It's fine." He says in a serious tone. Not once did he use the truth against me. That those bruises were because of me. But Tommy and Anastasia rushing in breaks the thought.

"Oh so you two are a thing now? That's great." Tommy says as he rushes over to the wall screen and sits in the chair. He puts a few tabs on the screen. Anastasia rushes in behind him and tries to punch him in the face. Usually he turns to use his super speed but I was surprised to see him just take it. Anastasia was surprised too and the punch knocks him off of the chair. He sits on the ground for a moment. Holding his cheek and taking in a deep breath. "How dare you. How dare you put me into that position. You had no right. I have a boyfriend. And unlike you I hate standing out in a crowd!" She yells. Her voice going higher with every word. "Hey, guys, You're giving me a migraine. I just woke up. What's going on here?" Richard asked in his usual calm and serious manner. It was almost hard to believe he was so relaxed and carefree a moment ago. Tommy stands and holds the back of the chair with one hand, his cheek with the other, but continues to look down. "Luke is cheating on you with Victoria. That is something I will not stand for. Either I beat the shit out of him or you go to prom with me. Take your pick." Is all Tommy says to Anastasia and looks up at her. For the very first time in all the years I've known her, there was a small tear creeping down her face. She leaves the room. I look at Richard, he was just as surprised as I was. Tommy sits down with his back facing us. "Well then moving on." he says. His voice cracks a little bit. He turns in the seat and looks at Richard.

"If our fearless leader continues passing out like this I guess I'll have to take over as Next Generation's team leader." Tommy says jokingly and Richard huffs. "Honest to god Tommy, I would love to see you try." He says as he catches the file Tommy tossed at him. Tommy smirks. "I might surprise you. You have to give me more credit than that." He says and Richard opens the file and begins to read but Tommy jumps in "OH! Richard," Tommy tried to warn him but it was too late. "...He's my son?"

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