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Ha. I was still up 12 hours ago. But nevermind that. I want to make a shout out to some people, so here we go!

Shoutout to;

TimeTravelingMew for being an awesome friend and encouraging me to get wattpad

PoisonIvy278 /Roseilia and LilithAgami12  for helping me through tough times and helping me with editing

SuperNinjaDragon for encouraging me to continue my art and being an awesome role model

-Pyrose , similarly to NinjaDragon , is a great role model and someone that I admire as an artist and strive to reach their level in art skill

And last but not least,
Star_Taker for being friendly to me when they were around and making me feel like people actually care about me and my ideas when they took up my offer on the cover for TheOpalOfNight.

I just wanted to say thanks to these people. Although they may be small reasons or actions, it was enough to help me get to where I am now, of which I am proud of. Im not exactly where I would like to be, but I'm getting there thanks to these very special people!

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