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Hi peoples. I'm supper hyper right now cause I just had gym class. I was playing soccer outside with some of the guys that are in my gym class. It started out fair- 4v4. But it's soon became 3v8. So there was me and this guy playing together- our other team member yelling at us from goal. He wasn't even a good goalie. -.-

BUT, my good teammate and I were playing offense and defense. I managed to get the ball- then juked out like, 5 of the other guys before scoring! So now I'm supper hyped and self confident for once! So, in short, the one girl playing beat all the guys. I'm in my personal heaven right now.

Oh- and my good teammate and I are asthmatic.

The goal was 4 for them and 3 four us- so it's a win in my book.

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