Chapter Two : Secret Letter

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The sound of the mail slot clang through to the living room , where Genevieve sat watching TV , only hoping that when her parents got home from work they wouldn't argue .

She pushed herself from the couch and quuckly made her way through the neat living room to the door way , where she bent and picked up the stack of letters lying oon the floor . She began to flip through them .

Water bill for mom .

Electric bill for dad .

Postcard from her cousins in Montreal .

A letter , adressed to her .

She walked to the kitchen and flung the other letters on the table , and sat down , reading the adress .

To : Ms Genevieve Clarke

From Hotel Hideaway

Hotel Hideaway ? What was Hotel Hidaway ? Of course she had heard the thousands of stories and folk tales about the place and hoped it existed , but deep down she knew it didn't . It didnt exist ..... did it ?

She slid her finger under the envelope flap and slowly ripped the paper , pulling out the folded papers .

Dear Ms . Clarke ,
                    It is to our understanding that you have been going through some tough spots in life right now. Need an escape ? Call our receptionist for more information.


Sincerely ,

Confusion washed over Genevieve.  A letter from a hotel in folk stories and myths about somewhere she could go to feel okay again. How could that be possible. This could just be some dumb prank on her from her bullies at school or her parents or maybe even her sister.

Doubts washed over her , and she shoved the letter away in her pocket , not wanting to be involved in such nonsense. She'd been pranked before. And it was embarrassing. She wasn't about to let it happen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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