Have you ever wished there was a place you could go ? A place you could runaway to when things weren't going your way ? A place of happiness. A place to escape. Well , there is. It's called Hotel Hideaway.
It's hidden far away from wherever you are. No matter what you do. Or how upset you get , there is only one way to find it. But no one really knows how to find it. And no one really understands it. They all assume it's a fairy tale written by a person whose life wasn't in a good spot. So everyone just kicked it under the carpet with their collecting dust bunnies and pretended it was just something that wasn't important. That was how it was for years to the people of California. Because as you may know , they are too stuck in their Hollywood films and hot celebrities to even realize what's going on around them. But it wasn't just them. No one noticed the sudden vanishes of everyone around them. No one noticed when Mackenzie McCallister suddenly stopped showing up to her cousins base ball games. And no one noticed when Henry Jackson stopped showing up to basket ball practice. No one. No one except the one girl with hopes and an amazing understanding.

Hotel Hideaway
Mystery / ThrillerDon't you wish there was a way to escape ? Maybe there is.