Chapter 5

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Emma slowly wakes up only to realize, that she is still on her couch. Her head lies on her pirates chest, so she hears his steady heartbeat. It sounds like music to her ears and makes her feel even more connected to him.

Her niece is still in Killian's arms, sleeping just as soundly as the captain himself.

Emma smiles brightly at both of them and enjoys the view until she hears faint voices from her kitchen. Someone's obviously broken into her house, so Emma silently goes to the drawer in which she has her spare gun and then she moves to the kitchen on her tiptoes.

As she arrives there she realizes, that there are no burglars though. Her parents are standing in front of the little stove and make pancakes.

Emma: "What the hell are you doing here? How did you even get inside?"

The saviors parents turn around instantly at the voice of their daughter. They smile at her.

Snow: "Good morning to you too."

David: "We decided to have breakfast with you today. We didn't know if you were awake yet, so we used our key. We didn't wanna wake you."

Emma: "Well, im having my own breakfast plans, so you can go home."

She is shouting at her parents by now. She's still very mad at them for keeping that secret. Who knows how many other secrets they've kept from her?

The shouting in the kitchen woke Killian up, so he instantly stands up from the couch and calls for his Swan. He gets worried about her very fast.

Killian: "Swan? What's up? Is everything okay?"

When he reaches the kitchen it only takes him a second to solve the puzzle. Emma's upset about her parents being here.

Emma: "Yeah. I'm fine. They were just leaving."

Emma is an open book to her true love, so he knows well enough, that they weren't really going to leave. Emma just wants them to.

Killian: "Can we talk shortly, my love?"

Emma: "Sure."

They go back to the living room and sit on the couch once again.

Emma: "What is it?"

Killian: "Well, it's your parents-"

Emma: "Look, I don't wanna talk about them. They're just a former part of my life."

Killian: "See...that's the problem, Swan. I know you love them even if you can't accept this right now because you're mad at them. But they were just trying to protect you."

Emma: "So you're on their side?"

Emma says this quite annoyed. She turns her head away from Killian, not looking at him anymore.

She would never admit it, but he's right and deep down she knows it. That's what makes her angry. She doesn't wanna be an open book to him. She doesn't want him to know her inner battles. She doesn't want him to try to fix them.

She wants to be left alone.

Killian: "No. I'm on your side. Always."

Emma: "Well you're certainly not acting that way."

Emma stands up, preparing herself to run upstairs and lock herself into her and Killian's room, but her boyfriend is knows her better than she knows herself, so he stops her by taking her hand.

Killian: "I'm just trying to help you. You can't be mad at them forever since they're important to you. You love them. Also they seem to really try to fix this. They're sorry."

Emma doesn't listen to him though. She tries to escape his hand, which is still holding hers tightly.

When she realizes, that he won't let go of her that easily, she turns around to face him. And to shout at him.

Emma: "I don't need anyone to fix my problems. I can live well enough without them. So don't even try to justify everything they did. I don't care."

After that she storms off upstairs and the baby starts crying, so Killian doesn't follow her. He softly rocks Melanie and kisses her forehead, trying to calm her down again.

Killian: "Shhh. It's okay little love."

Melanie stops crying the moment she hears his voice. She looks up at him with big eyes and smiles softly.

Killian: "See, everything's alright. I won't let anyone hurt you. You're safe, little one."

The pirate and the baby interacting is a very heart-warming scenario, Snow thinks as she walks into the living room. Her and her husband had of course heard every word Emma said in her shouting state and also most of the rest.

Snow: "We're sorry. Emma is already mad at us, we didn't want her to be mad at you too. We can take the baby, so that you can talk to her."

Killian: "Thanks. That's very hard generous."

David: "No problem. You did try to help us with Emma. I believe we kinda owe you."

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