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Read at your own risk cause I am trying something new<3<3<3me








"Eve get up, you have to get ready for school!" my mom yelled at me but I couldn't answer because then she would realise that I am crying. I got of the bed making as much noise as I can so she would think I got up, which i did.

I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like I just got rolled over by a truck and then again and again. I washed my face, showered and got ready in a black jeans, white sweater and black boots with my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my stuff for school and went downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey mom, I am going to school straight, right"

"Okay but drive safe okay,"

"Yes mah, bye,"

I quickly went outside to my Mercedes Benz and got in reversing out as quickly as I could . As soon as I was out of there I sped to school not caring about the speed limit. I am fed of running, I am fed of being weak but I can't help it I just don't know what to do anymore.

When I arrived my friends were waiting outside where we normally meet before going into school. I quickly walked towards them knowing I need to explain everything and that I needed a hug.

Not even five feet away I was tackled into a hug by my best friends Rose and Layla. I hugged them back and reassured them that I am fine.

"Guys, it was just another breakdown okay that's why I texted you. I just needed someone to talk to okay,I am fine,"

"No it wasn't, what if something had happened to you!" Layla retorted while at the same time Rose yelled,"Wait you had a breakdown and you didn't tell me!"

"Shush,Ro, I don't want everyone to know," I gave her a warning look. Everyone knows there is something that I am hiding but I am not ready for everyone to know. I am okay with being known as Eve Johnson the dancer, people don't even know I write and sing songs(which I am perfectly fine with.) I don't want to be the popular girl(I will leave that to Steffany) or the freak I just want to be me(well whoever I am .)

"Layla I am fine okay, its normal for me being on my own while having a breakdown," I said while watching Kai (the popular guy) greet a girl and a boy that doesn't look familiar at all.

"Please don't tell Lex about this." I said with pleading eyes toward them until they both finally nod their heads.

"Who are they?" I asked when they both stared at the interaction that was going on.

"I heard rumors that Kai's best friend from wherever he came from is transferring to our school along with his sister." Rose replied

"Why haven't I heard about this?"

"Because you don't socialize." Layla added

"Yes I do!" I watched Rose for back up but she just laughed.

Frustrated I said"Whatever lets go to our lockers classes will start soon."


At lunch everyone was talking about the new guy and his sister. Only one day and they are already popular but I don't really give a damn though.

I took a look at my friends getting food and decided that right now I want to by myself.

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