Chapter(4) part 2

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This is a continuation of the last chapter.








I let Anya pull me inside her house. I tried my best to look happy, I know she can see through it but she doesn't press on the matter. There was only one word to describe inside, Wow. There was a large chandelier above us in the middle of the ceiling and two grand staircases on either side of the room. She took me up the right side of stairs, explaining that we will all stay in her room and that her Dad is not going to be home today. 

When we arrived upstairs she grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room saying that I was walking to slow. She took my stuff from me and placed it where everyone elses was, but where was everyone.

"Where are the girls?"

"They are by the pool, so come on hurry up and change,I'll meet you downstairs."

"But I don't know how to get there."

"Go back down the stairs and then through the backdoor."


She then left me in the room to change. She is lucky I asked if I have to pack anything special or else I wouldn't have any clothes to swim in. I quickly took out my swim suit out of my bag and quickly changed into it. My swim suit was a plain black one piece, not too revealing but on the sides there was a piece that was laced up. I headed to pool area, following Anya's directions. 

It wasn't that hard to find since there was music playing, might I say loudly. How didn't hear that when I came? I walked through the doors, towards the pool. The first thing I spot was the one and only Asher Cole Greyson sucking faces with my best friend.........again.

Why does it hurt to see that? 

I quickly turned away, walking toward the chairs lining the other side of the pool where Anya laid with a book in her hand.

I sat on the chair next to her and pulled away the book from her. The glare she gave me was full of hurt.

"Anie you know that you can't do anything to stop it"

"I know but it just hard to sit down and watch your brother play with your best friend and do nothing about it, especially when you know exactly what his intentions are."

"Ann just remember that we warned her okay, it was her choice not to take it. Also remember that we will be there to help her through it after."

"She's right Anya and stop moping around, we came here to have fun so ..let's have fun" Rose said coming up to us soaking wet.

I placed Anya's book down giving Rose and her a look. The three of us walked towards Asher and Layla with mischievous glints. We grabbed Layla from Asher's lap, causing them to separate themselves, and threw her in the pool. They are separated now, yay, we can live peacefully.

"Asher. Upstairs. Now!" Anya commanded( I guess she had enough). Asher raised his both hands in surrender and made his way upstairs but never taking his eyes of me, neither did I until I couldn't see him anymore.

I felt a hand pulling me , next thing I know Anya is in my arms.

"I don't know what to do anymore" she said sounding tired and fed up.

"Well don't try to figure it out, just let whatever has to happen, happen" I pulled away from her,  "Not every time you can be a hero, but right now though, you can be a friend" I said watching Layla and Rose splash each other in the pool.

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