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"Davina is missing." Nik spoke, as he noticed she wasn't here. He called Rebekah and Marcel and then he and Elijah left to find her. "So, Death. Where are you sisters?" I ask. "My guess is around here somewhere. They'll turn up soon." She explains, and we smile as Hayley took my hands. "Can you tell me about my Mother?" She asks, but I looked to Isaiah. "It's your only day you're free to be in the French Quarter. Are you sure?" I ask, and she looked to her father he nodded. "It's fine Death and I are long overdue a drink." He says holding his arm out for her. "We'll be back soon." He tells us. "You're mother is a painful subject for Isaiah. You're mother was beautiful, a kind caring soul. You're father was smitten with her, he truly loved her. I had never seen him act that way in the 11 million years I've known him. She was ordinary, human but she managed to wriggle her way into Isaiah's heart which is a tough job considering only few have, but shortly after you're birth she left him. She saw his true form and that terrified her, so much she fled, with you in her arms back out the gates of Hell. It tore him apart, he had worked up the courage to show himself to her, and she ran scared, he wouldn't talk for months, years staying to himself completeing his everyday duties before returning to his room. Even I couldn't get him to talk and we have been best friends since he became a demon, once he heard the news that your mother had married to your step-father Jacob Labonair, it sent him into a depression. You're mother Anneliese and your stepfather were killed not long after your birth by a man called Richard Xavier Dumas. You were put into care, he stayed close to you through out your younger years, watching from a distance as you grew he was afraid you would have the same reaction as you're mother if you saw him. But once you had triggered your werewolf gene he begun to come around and as you know begun to fulfil the role of your father. As you already know, we all have been close to you in your life. Me, the twins, Abaddon, Cain, Alastair, even Samhain, Ramiel, Dagon and the Sins. We all came together to become the family you deserved and to be honest you warmed our cold hearts, softening us. You still do, even now that you are The Alpha of the Crescents, we are proud of you and who you've become. We love you Hayley and we always will, you have a place in our hearts and our family, our kingdom." I told her and she smiled as she pulled me into a hug. "Can I see mother?" She asks, as I nod. I closed my eyes and an image of her mother appeared in her head, as a tear fell down her cheek. "No need to cry, she watching you from up above." I tell her wiping the tear from her eye. "Now, you go and enjoy you day with your father." I tell her as he walked in alone. They left and I walked out of the house and joined the festivities, the marching band, dancing through the streets with a smile on my face. I felt a surge of pain hit me like a truck, I let out a cough. On my hand was blood, Elijah. I sped to the compound to find him unconscious on the floor, beside Marcel and Nik. I rush to his side and bite into my wrist feeding him I did the same to Marcel and Nik before returning to Elijah and putting his head in my lap, stroking his face, wiping the crusted blood from his face with a rag I made appear in my hand. They awoke with a gasp. "Oh thank god." I say, before stopping at looking confused. "You're okay. I'm going to hurt that little witch." I snarl as I pulled him up and into a hug. Nik's phone rung.

N- Rebekah, where are you?

R- I'm with Davina, and she's dying because of your treachery.

"Serves her right." I mutter, earning a glare from Marcel.

N- Well, I tried to talk to her, out of respect for Marcel, but she made it quite clear she is not our friend. My apologise if you thought she was yours.

R- Just tell me how to cure her. Vampire blood isn't working.

N- No. It wouldn't. You see, the poison I compelled Timothy to feed her is quite potent. It's just a matter of time for her.

R- For both of them, you diabolical bastard. They're children. We could have dealt with her fairly.

N- There is no dealing with those who threaten us. Davina sealed her fate when she stood against me. This was her choice, not mine.

He hung up, Elijah and Marcel were horrified, I wasn't bother. "Oh, come on. The stretch of your judgement is overwhelming. Need I remind you that Davina just bested the lot of us? I did what had to be done. Don't worry, Elijah. I remain as redeemable as ever." Nik states. "So you compelled that boy to poison Davina without consulting Marcel or myself, even Luce." Elijah says, I just shrugged. "You know what the worst part is? It's that you're so predictable,  had to make an alliance with your brother, who I don't even like." Marcel states. "Judging by your expression, you have something you'd like to share." Nik says. "Damn straight, I do. I got a call from Kieran earlier, right after Sabine and some witches almost got their hands on Davina first." Marcel explains. "So, when you slipped away to allegedly check on your nightwalkers, you were, in fact, colluding with a witch. That's very clever. I suppose I should be proud." Nik says. "Eh, I just wanted to make sure I had a fail-safe just in case, as Elijah expected, you started acting like you." Marcel explains, as I got bored and walked away. "You would have done the same Luce!" He shouts, and I stop. "No, I would not have gotten caught and my plan would have followed through until their last breath. Maybe you could use some points, Nik?" I tell him with a smirk on my face, as I got a glass of bourbon and went to bed.

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