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"So, please put the stake down and she can leave if that is what you desire." I tell him, he dropped the stake and I pulled him into a hug. "I know what you wanted to get as a result of this charade. You want her to feel the pain, the fear you felt. I understand. I believe you saw the way my monster of a mother treated me, and how she used my family against me. To manipulate me into being in her favour. When I look at you, I see me but a version of me, early on in my life, one that could find redemption. One that still has their family. You're family still have hope for you, mine lost their faith many millennials ago, treasure your siblings even if they slip up." I tell him, stroking his cheek before kiss it. He looked to Rebekah. "Go far away and never come back. We are far too damaged to remain together, less a family now than a volatile mix of ingredients. New Orleans will be mine. I will raise my child here in the city you took from me. No doubt, Elijah will stay beside his wife to be, but you? Sister, you are free." Nik spoke, and Rebekah looked shocked but left none of the less.

Elijah went to say goodbye to Rebekah, whilst Nik and I walked arm in arm into the compound. "Is there a reason why you lot are loitering in our home?" Nik asks. "I asked them to be here. You and I need to settle this out in the open." Marcel states. "I thought you would've run off by now." Nik spoke. "Yeah. Well, this is my town. You may want me to beg forgiveness, but I'm not sorry. I may not be able to beat you, but I came here to face you, to end this in front of my people. If you're gonna kill me for that, get on with it." Marcel states, Elijah sped in and threw Marcel into the wall. "Good evening. I trust I need no introduction. After all, this was once my family home. Tonight I'm taking it back." Elijah explains, before looking to the crowd. "Your privileges here have been revoked." Before looking to Marcel. "Marcellus, out of respect for my sister, I will grant you this one mercy. I will allow you to keep your life. However, you're hereby exiled. If I so much as find a trace of you in the French Quarter, it will not end well for you. Do you understand." Elijah finishes before walking to my side. "That is all. Run along." I tell them. "Nicely done, brother. You're beginning to sound like me. I'm impressed." Nik comments.

*** A Month Later

I woke up and went into Nik's art room where he and Elijah were taking. "Ah. My eyes, I though it was only I who walked around her in just my lingerie." I state, glaring at the strawberry blonde. "Sleeping with the enemy Nik, I would normally be proud. Great way to source information, but this one harmed Rebekah and helped Celeste." I state, looking at her in utter distaste. "I believe these are yours." I state, holding up her heels. "Now leave, before I make you." I state, throwing the shoes to the floor by her feet. She scurried out. "I'm going to visit Hayley, see you soon." I say pecking Nik's cheek and Elijah's lips, before snapping my fingers and I was dressed. I sped to the Bayou. 'Then we all got to do is just forget that she spent half her life with humans, and the other half with vampires.' 'Ollie back off.' "Actually, we are demons." I state as I came out. "It's okay. If the runt of the litter has got something to say, he should say it." Hayley tells him making me laugh. "You know, word from the Quarter is her boy Elijah's holding some kind of power summit. Guess who wasn't invited?" Oliver states making me growl.


Hayley threw the doors open of the church and went in. "Are you serious? You're diving up the city, and the werewolves don't even get a say?" Hayley shouts. "What the hell is she doing here?" Diego shouts making me growl. "What is it with you people and using my terms!" I shout pissed. "Diego sit. We are not diving the city. We're establishing boundaries-" "No, Elijah! There is not gonna be a peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table." Diego and Genevieve scoff. "Scoff at my goddaughter and I rip you're heads from your filth peasant shoulders." I state, stepping closer to them.


I walked up the stairs and into Nik's art room, I let out a groan. "Is that my robe! For fuck sake, Niklaus. You let the filthy peasant touch my robe!" I shout pissed. "Get out, Camille wants to talk to Nik." I tell her, and she raised her eyebrow. "Sorry if I hurt your little pet Nik." I mutter, grabbing her by the back of the neck. I ripped the robe off her back. "Guess I will have to burn it." I mutter, as I threw the half naked woman on the street. "Pest." I mutter, slamming the door on her face. "Are you going to do that every time?" Nik shouts. "Every damn time, especially when she is in my clothes!" I scream.


The door opened to my bedroom to reveal Elijah. "We are throwing a party tonight, and I brought you this dress." He tells me and I smirk. "Well, my love. Will you help me get into it?" I ask smirking as he shut the door the same smirk evident on his face.


I stood in front of the mirror, as Elijah did up my zip. I turned around and did up the buttons of his shirt. "And what is the reason for this party." I ask as I tucked his shirt into his trousers. "All the factions are coming together. The humans, the witches, the vampires. The werewolves." He tell me and I smirk, I held the undone tie in between my fingers and pulled him closer. "We really need to get to this party my love. But know there is no place I would rather be, then in this room with you writhing underneath me." He says, pulling me close. "Crying out your name?" I ask, and he smirks. "Oh yeah." He says and I smirk. "Coming undone under you. Multiple, times?" I ask and he picks me up. "We have an hour." He tells me and I giggle as he threw me on the bed and we begun to make love.

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