broken apart

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Hey everyone sorry I haven't been updating much....i got some many problems with my life😂😂😂😂....but enough about my is another chapter in....3.....2......1...

Judy's POV

The next morning I arrive at the ZPD, and checked both me and Nick in. He went to get us breakfast from snarlbucks. Once I got to my office I got working on paper work that need to be done by the end of the day.

" Did a bunny order a carrot coffee with a donut sprinkled with carrot shavings." Nick said in a playful voice.

" Yes mister fox indeed I did" I said playing along.

He chuckled and he sat down next to me. He gave me my coffee and my donut. He got a dark coffee with a blueberry muffin. We ate in silence for about a good 10 minutes until an announcement came through the speaker.

" all officers report to the battle ground at once."

Nick got out trash and through it away and we headed to the battle ground. As we entered the other officers were all lined up and we're looking forward.

" Officers hopps, Wilde get in line now." Said chief bogo in a serious tone like always.

" Officers we have a important guest with us today everymammale welcome agent Jack savage" he said proudly pointing to the grey bunny.

I just suddenly felt all of these emotions well up inside me.

Why would he come here...i asked myself. Jack locked eyes with and smirked evily.

I just stared back at him angrily.
Whatever he's up to...its not good...i thought in my head.

" Hello officers I am here to train all of you to be a great officer." He said as he walked up to us.

" and I'm going to need a valenteer to help me while I'm" he pointed at me. I already knew that this wasn't going to end well.

" You officer hopps Will help me.....wether you like it or not." He whispered the last part in my ear so nomammal could hear him. But unfortunately somemammal did hear him.

When Jack was about to grab my rist a red paw grabbed his instead and through it hard away from mine.

" Dont.touch.her." Nick said as a growled low.

Jack and Nick eyed each other. Than Jack smirk again.

" Fine than I'll do it by myself than fox." He said as he walked away.

" carrots I don't have a good feeling around that bunny. My other side is telling me to rip his throat apart." Nick said as he kept an eye on Jack.

" I know Nick but we need to stay together no matter what ok." I said as I smiled warmly at him.

He smiled and nodded.


Nicks Pov

All day I had kept Judy by my side. Every where she went I would go. That Jack was planning something and just by smelling his scent made my other side more unstable.

Me and judy were working on our case files that needed to be done later today when suddenly Jack and chief bogo came through the door.

" sorry to interrupt you two but I need officer hopps to come with me...alone." Jack said while smirking devilishly. I growled and stud in front of Judy. Cheif bogo glared at me. I stud my ground not wanting Judy alone with that rat.

" Its ok Nick I'll be fine." Judy said as she started walking towards Jack.

When they left Jack looked back and chuckled at me. I snarled at him before he left.

" you better not hurt my Judy you rat."
I snarled to myself.


Judy's pov

I was walking behind Jack and when we were about to head to the back of the ZPD Jack turned around to face chief bogo.

" Chief can you give us some privacy." Chief bogo nodded and left.

When he turned around the corner Jack grabbed arm and pulled me into a closet near by. When he closed the door he turned on the lights and just stared at me.

" What do you want jack." Said in a angry voice.

" I want you and officer Wilde to fight each other and tear each other apart." Jack said as he stared right into my eyes.

" And what happens if I won't do it." I said now shouting at him.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I looked at my shoulder and there was a needle in my flesh.

" Well you wont...but your savage side will." He said as he opened the door and ran away. I started to fell angry and hungry when suddenly........



Nicks Pov

I sat in my office waiting for my bunny to return. 20 minutes went by and I started to get worried. Suddenly I hear officers yelling. I got up and ran to see what was going on. Everymammal was on one side of the ZPD and staring into the hall on the left side of the ZPD.

" guys what's going on." I said to them.
A wolf pointed and I heard weird noises behind me. I turned around and I saw red eyes on the flour just looking at me. Than I saw how it was. It was Judy on all four with dilated eyes and her uniform all scratched up.

" Judy wants going on with you snap out of it." I said to her but she only hissed at me than suddenly I fell a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw a dart in my skin.

All of a sudden my savage side toke over and I got on all fours snarling and growling. I saw bunny ready to pounce and she did. She bit down on my shoulder but I bit down on her paw and yanked her off me. She landed with a humffff. I was about to attack again when I felt another sharp pain. I felt dizzy.......than I blacked out......


Cheif bogo pov

I shoot both officers before neither of them could do any harm on each other. The other officer quickly cuffed hopps and Wilde.

" Chief what should we do with them." Officer wolford asked.

" Call cliff side so they can take care of them and make sure they are safe. And get your best team and look for any clues on to who did this to the." I said to him.

He nodded and did what I ordered.
I looked at their bodies and sighed.

"Please let them be safe." I told myself.


Authers Pov

Little did anymammal know that Smith, bellwether, and Jack were on the roof of the ZPD enjoying the damage Nick and Judy did to themselves. HOW IS GOING TO SAVE OUR FAVORITE OFFICERS😭😭😭😭😭....

Well there you go...another chapter thank you all so much I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day....peace😄😄😄😄✌✌✌✌

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