chapter 1

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Being a celebrity seems like the most amazing thing that can certainly happen it sometimes is the thing I mostly only like about it is my fans. And the thing that mostly sucks about it is the hate, and Paparazzi.

"Sweetie get down here!" My mom shouted.

"Coming!" I say getting outta bed. I headed down stairs and saw my mom (Jennifer Lopez) and sisters (Ashley, Audrey, Cynthia, Camila) and brothers (Alex, Jason) and my dad (Pitbull)  sitting in the dinning room eating bacon,eggs, orange juice,and bagels. My favorite. But my mom and dad seemed sad and nervous I wonder what is going on.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

"Ok, well honey take a seat and now that everyone is down here me and your father would like to announce that we are leaving for tour and we hired a nanny." She looked to her side and I did to and saw a tall skinny woman in about her early 30s. She had glamorous straight blonde hair. That seemed to shine and she had a appropriate amount of make up on. She wore a knee length pencil dress that was was white. She looked really pretty. I looked over at my brother's had puddles coming out their mouths.

"But mom!" Cynthia said

"No buts me and your father have to you guys know how it is with tours I can't let our fans down were Lopez's we got this guys just remember to call us every night. And by the way your Nanny's name is Jessica she is very nice and  will take great care of you so you better listen. ALL of you. And me and your dad will be leaving in 2 days we will be gone for 13 months." Mom said.

"ONE YEAR AND A MONTH" Alex yelled making us all jump. Mom had tears in her eyes and dad was rubbing her back.

"Yeah, but kids we promise we will try to visit at least every 3 months and if we have to we will send our private jet so you guys can see us once in a while." Dad said.

We all sat in silence while finishing eating Jason got up in anger and stomped his way to his room. Our maids cleaned up our mess while I went up to my room and peaked into mom and dad's room. I saw that they were packing so I walked away to my room. I turned on my TV and turned it to E news. Of course Jason and Alex were on their. They got into a little fight at the bar last night. I was so mad they make our family name look bad. I got mad and stomped over to Jason's room.

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