The Talk

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Timmy invited AJ and Chester over to tell them what happened.

*Knocking on The Door*

Timmy opens the door and sees AJ and Chester.

"Hey Timmy!" AJ and Chester said in unison.

"You invited us over, right?" Chester said.

"Duh! Come on in." Timmy replied.

"So, what's up?" AJ asked.

"A lot lately." Timmy replied.

"What do you mean? What happened recently?" AJ asked.

"So, remember when Chloe was here the other day when we were playing video games." Timmy said.

"Yeah, what about it?" Chester asked.

"She wanted to talk to me." Timmy replied.

"Uh oh..." AJ said.

"Well yeah she told me that she liked somebody and I wanted to find out who because... I... I like her." Timmy said.

"Woah Woah Woah... what? Since when? What about Trixie Tang?" Chester asked standing up with his hands on his head.

"Don't worry about that I gave up on Trixie, she never really liked me anyways." Timmy said.

"Oh. Yeah, you're right." Chester said sitting back down.

"Just know that I like Chloe, anyways back to the story. She almost told me until she got cut off by AJ." Timmy said.

"My bad." AJ said.

"It's alright. So yesterday she came over to deliver some Crimson Chin comic collections." Timmy said.

"Mhm." Chester said shaking his head.

"She told me that she wanted to finish what she said the other day about her liking someone. So, I told her to come in and she told me that she liked me." Timmy said.

AJ and Chester were completely shocked.

"So, we kissed and the next thing led to another and things got crazy until freaking Dinkleberg ruined it." Timmy said with his hand on his face.

"Wow. That's just... crazy." AJ said.

"Exactly." Chester said.

"So, any other opinions?" Timmy said.

"Well, I'm taken by Charlotte and I was shy too but it was love at first sight so it was easy to talk to her." AJ replied.

"Yeah. I'd rather stay single. It's too much drama for me." Chester said.

"What happened with you and Veronica?" Timmy said.

"I got tired of the popularity." Chester replied.

"Oh. Popularity can be tiring." Timmy said.

"So, what are you going to do Timmy?" AJ asked.

"I don't know. I'm thinking about taking her out. I just don't know where." Timmy replied.

"What about Yak in the Box?" Chester asked.

"Ew no. What about Mike E. Mozzarella's Pizza Fun House?" AJ asked.

"No, I think I'm gonna take her to-" Timmy said getting cut off by the ring on the door.

*Ding Dong*

Timmy goes an checks at who's at the door and sees that it Chloe.

"Guys, its Chloe!" Timmy said.

"Ooouuu..." AJ and Chester said in unison.

"Ok, Guys act casual." Timmy said.

AJ and Chester gets on the couch and fake reads their comics.

The bell rings again.

*Ding Dong*

Timmy opens the door for Chloe.

"Hey Timmy!" Chloe said with a smirk on her face.

"Hey Chloe! Come in." Timmy said scratching the back of his head.

Chloe stepped in the house.

"Hey AJ and Chester!" Chloe said.

"Hey Chloe!" AJ and Chester replied in unison.

Timmy pulled out a chair for Chloe. Chloe sat down.

"So, Chloe?" Timmy asked.

"Yes?" Chloe replied.

"Would you like to... um... go on a date with me?" Timmy asked.

"Sure." Chloe replied blushing.

"What time do you prefer?" Timmy asked.

Chloe got up.

"Around 8:00 PM Tomorrow." Chloe replied walking to the door.

"Ok. Well, see you tomorrow." Timmy said.

"Ok, Bye." Chloe replied.

Timmy closed the door.

"Yes!" Timmy yelled.

"You did it, Timmy!" AJ said.

"I know, I just went straight for it." Timmy replied.

Chester got up.

"Well good luck on that. Me and AJ got to go." Chester said while walking to the door.

AJ got up.

"Yeah, it seems like she really likes you." AJ said walking to the door.

"Yeah. I can't wait. Thank you guys for the support." Timmy said.

"No Problem." AJ said.

"Your Welcome." Chester said.

AJ and Chester left and Timmy closed the door.

Timmy went to his room and laid on the bed.

"Can't wait for this date. Chloe is all I want. Hopefully, this date goes well." Timmy said to himself.

To Be Continued...

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