Chapter Eight

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David's POV: 

      I have never claimed to be a brave person. I have never claimed to be honest. In fact, I have never claimed to possess a vary wide variety of good qualities. That being said, this was a new low for me. You see people getting dragged away on TV all the time, it shouldn't be a shock to see. But the real thing is the same as any real thing- it's louder, it's more violent, it's real. 

      I hadn't stayed to see the whole thing. I'm not a brave person. 

      Plumping down into my couch, I stared vacantly at my TV. Her eyes were wild and they seared like guilt in my mind. The look. When she saw them. When she saw me. I blew the air out of my cheeks and pressed my hands into my face, what are the odds of this happening to me? 

      The screaming had faded with the low rumble of tires and I sat in silence. My eyes searched the blank screen as if something might actually play. A tap at my door startled me and I glanced towards it, half suspecting Sarah to be standing in torn clothes with the head of one of the asylum workers. It was eerily believable. 

      Thunk thunk thunk.

      I pushed myself off the couch and walked to the door, leaving plenty of time for her to kick down the door- just in case. The door stood a foot from my face and I could feel the cold knob under my hand. My problem is that I watch too many crime shows. I blame them for my lack of spine. But really, binge watch a season of Criminal Minds and who could you possibly trust?

      Thunk thunk.

      My procrastination was psyching me out and I could feel the numbness in my chest creeping up.

      "We know you're in there you creep!"

       I jumped in my place as, for a second, all my paranoid suspicions came true. The voice was pinched and grumpy- definitely one I didn't recognize. Another one spoke up, "I say Sir! If thine won't open this door then we shall be resigned to breaking it down!"

      My eyes frantically searched the room for something to block the door with. There were two people and they both wanted to kill me and they were doing to kick down my door and I had no self defense experience.

      "How are you going to break the door down?"

      I did a double take before realizing he wasn't talking to me.

      "Ambrosius and I shall bombard it with miraculous force!"

      "What force? You couldn't even reach the top of a tree stump!"

      "And what leads thee to believe that thou could either?"

      "I'll have you know that I owns a tree stump, and I reach it just fine!"

      They were midgets. They were midgets and they wanted to kill me. I pulled my phone from my pocket and gripped it, "I'll call the police!"

      A silence lapsed outside before the gravelly voice spoke, "And tell them what?"

      I fumbled with my words, "That... you... that there are people. Outside my door."

      My threat sat on an awkward cloud of silence and floated through the air. The voice eventually retorted, "They can't see us you big dumbo."

      The answer caught me off guard and I opened the door, not thinking about the possibly lethal psychos on the other side. I blocked the entryway with my body and frowned, the hallway buzzed with the hum of mosquitoes but no one stood at my door. 

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