Chapter Twenty

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David's POV:

      The drive had been quiet with Sarah staring out the shattered window, her hair whipping around her face in the wind. Occasionally I would look to her, waiting for a break in her silence, but she never turned my way.

      We carried the soundless weight with us up the stairs of the complex and into my apartment. Sarah stopped, looking back to me, "Do you have a laptop?"

      I frowned, pulling my jacket off before flinging it over the couch, "Huh?"

      Her eyes flicking to the couch, she looked at me, an annoyance lacing her words, "A laptop. To find the tickets."

      My eyebrows raised in understanding, "Oh! Yeah, just let me..." 

      She leaned out of my way as I brushed past her, "It's over on the table somewhere."

      Lifting papers out of the way, I rooted around the mess on the table, "I know it's... ah!"

       I lifted it from under a pile of sheet music, "Do you want me to look, or-?"

      Sarah grabbed the laptop from me, crossing her legs on the couch as she opened it, "No, it's fine."

      The dismissal was harsh and left me standing, useless. I looked around for something to do, "Do you need help with anything?"

      She frowned into the laptop, "No."

      I watched her, "Do you want anything to drink?"

      Sarah's fingers jabbed at the keys, "No, David."

      I nodded, her agitation hitting me. Shifting my weight, I crossed my arms, "Are you sure? I could get something."

      The girl inhaled, "I'm sure."

      I could feel a resentful annoyance building in me, "Because we have water or tea or-"

      "David." She turned to me, fire in her eyes, "I'm fine."

      I met her gaze, "Really?"

      Turning back to the computer she widened her eyes, "Really."

      Uncrossing my arms, I moved to sit next to her on the couch. I grabbed the laptop from her, closing it. Her eyes followed it before looking up to me, angry, "David! I was working on that."

      I placed the computer on the other side of me before turning to her, "You've been weird since we left the store. What's going on?"

      She stared at me, "Nothing."

      I raised my eyebrows and she raised her hands in the air, dropping them to her lap, "Well I'm trying to get us tickets and you just closed the stupid computer."

      I turned further towards her, pulling a leg onto the couch so that the knee faced her. About to rest my arm over the back of the couch, I stopped when she leaned away. Pulling my arm back, I watched the anger in her eyes, unsure of what to do. She raised her eyebrows at me, a gesture of "well?" 

      I sighed softly, "Seriously. What's going on?"

      She stared, disbelieving, "I'm trying to buy tickets, David."

      I bristled, "I know that-"

      Sarah shook her head sharply, shrugging, "Then I don't know what you're missing."

      "Hey," I felt the defense rising in me, "I'm just trying to figure out what's going on."

      She reached across me, grabbing the laptop, "Yes, we're very aware."

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