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~ 1984 ~

"Noel?" I whispered into the receiver. "Noel did you fall asleep?"

I banged the receiver on my bedside table, hoping that no one but Noel would hear it. It was one o'clock in the morning, and I'd been talking to me best mate Noel for well over an hour instead of doing what I was supposed to do; sleep. 

"Noel did you fucking fall asleep on me?" I chided.

"Yeah, excuse me miss" he groaned, clearly startled by the loud bang. "It's not like it's ten past one in the morning or owt"

"Gives you no right to leave a bird hangin' though, does it?" I whined at him.

"I beg to differ" Noel snorted. "Anyway, shouldn't your phone bills be off the fuckin' roof by now?"

"Shouldn't yours?" I hummed.

"Yeah" he said as he let out a quite chuckle, careful not to wake anyone else. "We're too skint to be able to do this every night"

"Mam's gonna be so pissed when she sees the bill this month" I said. "Calls are like four quid an hour or summat, right?"

"Something like that" he answered me. "Hm, would I rather stay up at night and talk to you, or would I rather get fags tomorrow?"

"Well, if you want your face to still be intact by the end of the week" I started to advise him "I strongly suggest you pick the first option"

"Ang, you came out of the womb like yesterday" Noel teased. "What could you possibly do to me?"

"Okay, first of all" I snapped "Four months between us, twat"

I could hear him snickering to himself on the other end. He was always so proud of himself when he managed to tick me off. Which was unfortunately quite often. We were always at each other's throats, constantly sassing and picking on one another. 

"Second, I've given you a proper good battering before" I reminded him. 

"I let you win that one fight" he muttered quietly.

"There was nowt to win!" I exclaimed. "I fuckin' destroyed you, don't you dare pull any shite like that!"

"It wasn't even a proper fight!" he started to argue. "You can't just come up to me all tough like and then not let me fight back"

"Alright, so you're saying you weren't strong enough to get out of my grip?" I jested.

"That's not what I said" Noel avowed. "Don't twist my words, Ang"

"Okay, tough guy" I teased. "What were you saying?"

The other end went silent. I couldn't help but grin.

"You know what" he said. "I'm going to bed now"

"No you're not!" I protested.

"Yes I am" Noel said. 

"Please don't" I started pleading with him. "I don't wanna be alone and I'll miss you"

"I think you'll get through the night, we'll see each other tomorrow" Noel assured me. "Besides, we're both too skint to let this call go on for another hour"

"I suppose you're right..." I sighed. "You walking me tomorrow?"

"I always do" he replied. "See you in the morning, yeah?"

"Yeah" I said. "G'night Noelie"

"Goodnight Ang" he said before hanging up.

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