Seven Minutes: Hikage

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(AN: I just love Hikage.)

(Your POV)
I dug around the bag, looking for something to grab. As my hands passed by items, I eventually felt something interesting and pulled it out. What I pulled out, kinda shocked me, yet at the same time didn’t. It was a throwing knife, and I only knew one girl who always had a knife on hand.

“Mmmmm, seems you got Hikage. Now, where is she?” Haruka said.
“Right here.”

I jumped and saw the green haired girl standing there. She held out her hand and I gave her the knife as she put it away. “So, are we going to play or not?” Hikage asked. “Sure. Let’s.” I said and we walked over to the closest. I let Hikage in first, and when I entered, the door closed and locked.

I stood there for a second, unsure where Hikage was. That was, until I felt someone grab my wrist and I was pushed against the wall. I then saw the golden eyes of Hikage as she was close to my face.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked, trying not to sound scared.
“Playing the game.” Hikage said.
“We really don’t have to. I mean, no one is forcing you.”
“I know. But I been waiting for this for a while.”

Waiting? She’s been waiting? Before I can ask her, Hikage smashed her lips against mine. I felt Hikage's grip on my wrist loosen as I moved my hands to her hips. Hikage wrapped her arms around my neck. After a few more seconds, we broke apart and I saw a small blush on her face.

“So, you like me?” I asked.
“Yes. For a while now. Do you like me?” She asked.
“Yeah. I do.”

That was enough to warrant a second kiss, this one heated and with tongue, tho, mine was conquered by hers. Not that I minded. A few minutes went by as we finally broke again. I looked at her and she had a small smile on her face. “You're a really good kisser.” Hikage said.

The door opened and Haruka leaned in the door way. “Times up~” She cooed. I was lead out by Hikage, but instead of towards where the party was, Hikage seemed to be dragging me off.

“Hikage, where are we going?” I asked, as we head up the stairs. She turned towards me, and the cute and warm smile was no w replaced with a rather sinister looking grin. “I want to show you how much I ‘Like’ you.” She said.

I blushed red and just followed her up.

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