Chapter 3

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Layla was lying down on her bed listening to 'Ed Sheeran's photograph' when Norah came in and sat down at the edge of the bed.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Daddy is calling you." She said and Layla nodded.

She wonders what's wrong with her, She put on her silk scarf to cover her hair and headed to her father's room.

"Salamu alaikum" She said the salam.

"Wa alaikumsalam." Daddy and mammy chorused.

She sat down on the floor next to mammy and greeted. "Daddy Ina wuni? An dawo Lafiya?"

"Lafiya, Alhamdulillah."

She really wonders why daddy is calling her at this time, at eleven thirty pm.

"Hafsah." He called.

Dun dun..

Whenever daddy calls them by their first names, it's something really serious.

Here we go..

"Na'am daddy?" She replied.

Innalillahi was innailaihi rajiun. She kept repeating them in her mind.

"You know my friend Alhaji Ibrahim Yerima right?" He asked.

"Yes, I know him." She replied.

"Very well, he and I had a discussion about something really important." He said.

Her heart skipped 1000 times a second!

Note the Exaggeration!!

"He asked for your hand in marriage to his oldest son, Muhammad and I agreed. We have been talking about this for a while now, how you and Muhammad will make a fine couple. I personally don't see anyone else who's more perfect for my daughter except for him. He's an intelligent man, a very well obedient and respectful, religious, successful, fine and young man."

"Daddy Aure kuma?" She asked really confused.

Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajiun,

This can't be happening! She prays its only a dream

"Daddy I'm just nineteen, don't you think I'm too young or something?" She asked, her eyes already getting wet with tears

"At what age do you expect to get married eh? 25? 30? Twenty is the best age. What are you waiting for? You're done with your secondary school and you've started your university already. Layla you're not getting any younger and I for certain am not getting any younger by the day."

She sobbed. "Daddy I don't want to marry him, please daddy don't make me marry a person i don't know, please"

"I wasn't asking for your opinion Layla. I am telling you this." He said.

When she didn't say a word.

"You can leave now." He said and she walked out of the room, with her world shattered in a matter of few minutes.

This cannot be happening. Ya Allah...


She cried so hard until She couldn't feel her eyes again. How can daddy do this to her? Why her?

Ya meena got married at the age of 23, and that was because she wanted it, she loves and adores her husband.

"Don't cry, ya Layla. Everything is going to be alright inshallah." Norah said.

"No Norah its not! Why me for Allah's sake!" She cried even more.

She stood up and went to the bathroom to perform wudhu and prayed two nafils to make everything better inshallah.

She lay on her bed and cried herself to the bits after praying. She heard her phone ringing.

Whoever it was, she isn't going to pick up. She decided to check who was calling her at this time of the night.

It was Her sister, ya meena.

"Ya meena, Ina wuni.?"

"Lafiya Layla, how are you?"

"How's my baby?." She asked about Nasreen, ya meena's baby girl.

"She's fine alhamdulillah. Se dai kukan banza" she said with a sigh.

They talked about what happened, Mammy has already told her what happened and she was really happy about it.

Can you Imagine?

They bid each other Goodnight before Layla hung up and went to mammy's room.

"Salamu alaikum" She said and entered.

"Wa alaikumsalam" she and Norah chorused.

"Norah, ya meena said you should call her about the laces you're taking to the tailor for her" Layla said sitting on a couch.

Norah Nodded. "Okay, I'll call her tomorrow inshallah."

"Norah, can you give your sister and I few minutes alone?" Mammy said to Norah.

She nodded. "Sure, I'll be downstairs if you need me, sissy." With that, she left the room.

"Layla?" Mammy called.

"Yes?" She answered, refusing to look at her.

"Look at me, my dear."

She quickly wiped a lone tear. Damn these tears!

She raised her head up and looked at her mother, sniffing.

"Layla, I want you to know that whatever happens, happens for the best. Know that your father only means you well and wants you to be happy. He wouldn't have picked Muhammad for you if he knew he isn't good enough for you Layla. He wants what's best for you, we all do. That's all we want. Just accept this as a test from the almighty. We plan and he plans, and he is the best planner."

They talked for a while then She left for her room. Talking to mammy kind of made her feel a little bit better, not too better.

But it was worth it.




Love you always🥰


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