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                                                                                       PJ'S POV

My mom, Ink, said I need to be more social. I usually just stay at home and paint or fight with my dad, Error. He said I need to destroy. Mom says create and protect, dad says destroy and kill.  Wonder why they got married. Anyway, Ink said she is going to introduce me to some kid named 'Fresh'. To me, he sounds like a 90's kid. We are gonna leave soon to his AU. I'm gonna stay with mom. Dad 'kinda' freaks me out... 

"PJ! I-It's t-t-time to me-e-et Fr-fresh!" My dad Error said. His usual stutter. Thats one thing I like about my dad. Ok, well I gotta get ready. 

"Hey broski!" I heard a boy say. I looked over and saw another teen. He looked like he was from the 80's or 90's but the same age.  

"H-Hi..." I managed to squeak. I looked at the floor embarrassed. 

"Dude no need to be shy! It's just me! Fresh!" He said. So it was who I thought it was. 

"O-Ok..." (no that is not a face guys) I said. He put his hand up for a high five. I high fived him. I smiled. I think I have a new friend. I noticed his glasses said YOLO. What does that mean? (Shhh. Of course I actually know just pretend PJ doesn't) I think he noticed me eyeballing his glasses in confusion.

"Hey broski, whatcha lookin' at my glasses for?" He asked.

"What does Y-YOLO mean?" I asked. He was surprised at me I could tell. 

"You don't know? Broski, seriously?!" He asked. I looked down and shook my head. He took off his glasses. 

"It means You Only Live Once..." He said. I looked at him and he looked like he never takes off his glasses unless it's serious. Then I noticed something. His eye had an upside-down heart in it. Umm, awkward? No wonder he wears glasses. He put them back on. 

"C-come on-n P-P-J. W-we don't hav-ve al-l day-y." Error said. 

"Fine dad. I gotta go Fresh. See you next week?" I asked him. 

"Sure broski. Just, here." He handed me a piece of paper. 

Fresh. 768-964-0973!  (btw it's not a real number) Scree! 

"O-Ok. Thanks Fresh." I said. 

"Bye broski!" He said as we walked away. We went back home. Yay I got his number! He was pretty cute though! ^.^ 



Age:(over 13) 

Looks:(as in skin color) 



Crush: (any AU character) 

Magics/Powers:(like sans' and papy's) 


Name: Johnnie (its a girl name too!) 

Age: 14 

Looks: Pale skin, freckles

Clothes: Green jacket and black shorts, pink bunny slippers. 

Personality: Shy, not harmful. Has a lot of energy 

Crush: Underswap sans 

Powers: Can make icecream appear outta no where 


Bye broskis ;)

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